The Hearts of Athletes study is being conducted to determine the heart involvement withCOVID-19 in athletes. This study aims to enroll any Adult (18 years of age or greater)• Athlete is defined as NCAA Collegiate Athlete, Professional Athlete, Military, orOlympic Athlete will be eligible for the study.With COVID-19• COVID-19 diagnosed via an RT-PCR (nasal or throat swab test) prior to enrollmentOr without COVID-19• Identified as a local Control participant (similar sport) to a participant withCOVID-19, who is willing to undergo a standard cardiovascular evaluationParticipants with and without COVID-19 will use their mobile devices to provide healthinformation, like symptoms, by answering survey questions daily for 30 days. Also,participants will allow their de-identified cardiac images to be sent to the Duke HeartCenter for blinded analysis.No physical risks are associated with this study. One possible risk, although minimal, isloss of confidentiality.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Any adult athlete (defined as NCAA Collegiate Athlete, Professional Athlete, or
Olympic Athlete) will be eligible for the study.
- COVID-19 diagnosed via an RT-PCR, or history of COVID-19 antibodies at least 10 days
and less than 6 months prior to consent
- No longer requiring quarantine per local health recommendations, prior to
cardiovascular evaluation.
- Identification as a Control participant (similar sport) to a participant without
COVID-19 willing to undergo cardiovascular evaluation
Exclusion Criteria:
- Anyone with known cardiovascular disease - defined as known myocardial disease,
valvular heart disease, or known coronary heart disease
- Anyone without the ability to provide informed consent
- Anyone with a known contraindication to cardiac magnetic resonance (metallic
Duke University
Durham, North Carolina, United States
Investigator: Krista Camuglia
Contact: 919-862-5967
Krista Camuglia
Manesh Patel, MD, Principal Investigator
Duke University