Official Title
Utilisation de Soins Pendant la Crise Covid-19 : Recours, Report et Renoncement (US3R)
Brief Summary

The project US3R is a general population survey that will measure the magnitude of utilised, postponed and foregone medical care in relation with other health care needs than coronavirus symptoms during the confinement period in Belgium. The study aims to describe the magnitude of unsatisfied health care needs for various types of care. It will also identify the reasons for these postponed and foregone care according to gender, health and socioeconomic status.

Detailed Description


Belgium has put in place confinement measures on March 13th 2020 with the aim to reduce
contagion related to Covid19 in the population and manage the number of patients to be
treated in the hospital.

However, some weeks after those confinement measures, health care professionals are worry
about other patients than Covid19 since they have observed a significantly lower use of
emergency services, cancellations of screening appointments, interrupted health care in
patients with chronic conditions, disabilities, or mental health disorders.

Objectives: to collect data on used, postponed and foregone medical care related to other
health care needs than Covid19 during the confinement period in Belgium; to measure the
magnitude of unsatisfied health care needs for various types of care; to identify the reasons
explained postponed and foregone care

Methods : the survey is made of about 50 questions collecting self-reported data on health
care use and non-use for various types of care along with demographics, socioeconomics and
health status characteristics during the confinement period . Data will be analysed with
Stata 15 using statistical tests and regression models.

Participants are collected via social media platforms and institutionnal mailing, and Belgian

Health Care Utilization

Other: Online questionnaire

this is an online questionnaire collecting retrospective data on health care use and non-use

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- living in Belgium

- more than 18

Exclusion Criteria:

- living outside Belgium

- less than 18

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: N/A

Bruxelles, Belgium

Université Catholique de Louvain
NCT Number
foregone care
postponed care
MeSH Terms