Since December 2019, the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2)pandemic has spread around the world. The people most exposed to this virus remain thehealthcare personnel who are on the front line in the fight against this pandemic. Due tothe delayed nature of the pandemic in Reunion island and its insular geographicalsituation, the study of the voluntary medical personnel will allow the investigators toestablish a longitudinal follow-up of the anomalies of the lipidic balance in relation tothe exposure to the SARS-Cov virus. 2. During bacterial infections, the lipid profilesare profoundly modified with very significant reductions in plasma cholesterol levels,LDL-C but especially HDL-C whose concentrations are particularly low. Lipid profiles arealtered during viral infections, for example, the severity of dengue is inverselycorrelated with total cholesterol and LDL-C but not with HDL-C levels, according to arecent meta-analysis. The hepatitis C virus circulates in serum linked to lipoproteinsrich in triglycerides and HDL can facilitate its entry into cells via Scavenger receptorclass B type 1 (SRB1). Likewise, it has been shown that apoA1 can bind to the denguevirus and increase its infectivity by promoting its entry into cells, also via SRB1. Atthe moment, nothing is known about the lipid profiles in subjects with SARS-CoV-2. Theinvestigator hypothesize that a drop in plasma HDL-C levels and a change in their sizeduring infection could justify future therapeutic approaches aimed at supplementing thesubjects most at risk of pulmonary complications. In a model of Pseudomonas aeruginosapneumonia in mice, investigators have shown that the injection of reconstituted HDLallowed to limit the pulmonary inflammation and the deleterious consequences of theinfection. The investigator propose to study not only the lipid profiles in subjects whoare infected with SARS-CoV-2 but also the polymorphisms of genes involved in theregulation of lipoprotein levels like that of Cholesterol Ester-Transfer Protein (CETP)depending on the developed forms, symptomatic or not.
Other: research specific blood sample
- one blood sample before the epidemic phase
- one blood sample during epidemic phase
- one blood sample after epidemic phase
Inclusion Criteria:
- Caregiver in Reunion island University Hospital Center
- Practicing in a care service possibly exposed to the coronavirus
- Signed Consent
Exclusion Criteria:
- Refusal to participate
- Already infected by Covid19
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Réunion
Saint-Denis, France
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de la Réunion
Saint-Pierre, France