The study will follow COVID-19 patients who required intensive care after 3-6 months andone year after discharge from the ICU with functional level as well as organ function toassess recovery after COVID-19. Blood and urine will be collected for biobanking.
The study will follow COVID-19 patients who required intensive care at Uppsala University
Hospital and were included in the Uppsala COVID-19 biobank. The patients will be
contacted after three to six months for a first follow-up with assessment of functional
level in activities of daily life, psychiatric symptoms, neurological symptoms and
working capacity as well as specific organ functions. The organ functions will include
circulation, respiration, coagulation, immune function and kidney function. In addition,
blood and urine will be collected for biobanking.
Inclusion Criteria:
- PCR-verified Covid-19
- Treated in ICU
Exclusion Criteria:
- Pregnant of breastfeeding
Uppsala University Hospital
Uppsala, Sweden
Investigator: Michael Hultström, MD. PhD.
Contact: +46186110000
Michael Hultström, MD. PhD.
Robert Frithiof, MD. PhD.