The COVID-19 global pandemic has led to a major professional and social national reorganization: professional because it involves a redeployment of medical staff and material resources, and social because it imposes prolonged containment measures on an entire population. The maxillofacial trauma activity is mainly linked to sports or leisure accidents, fights and road accidents. It seems to appear since the beginning of containment measures a significant drop in maxillofacial trauma activity at the national level, which, if it is demonstrated in a significant way in several French hospital centers, would allow to redeploy the material and human resources related to this activity on sectors in tension due to the pandemic.
This study will compare maxillo-facial activity during the first month of COVID-19
containment measures in France with a comparable period in 2018 and 2019. This comparison
will be made in 10 major French hospital centers.
Procedure: Facial fractures reduction or osteosynthesis
Facial fractures reduction or osteosynthesis
Inclusion criteria:
- Maxillo-facial fracture
- Requiring
- Trauma that occured between March 16 and April 15, 2020 or 2018 or 2019
- All ages
Exclusion criteria:
- Patients who refused the collection of their data
Uh Montpellier
Montpellier, France
Marie de BOUTRAY, PH, Study Director