Official Title
Observational Study About the Characteristics and Evolution of Patients Diagnosed With COVID-19 in Extremadura
Brief Summary

At the end of January 2020, the international community was informed of the presence of a new viral disease that started in Wuhan (China) and spread rapidly throughout the world. The identified virus belonged to the coronavirus family (SARS-CoV-2) and the disease was named COVID-19. Today there are more than 2 million people diagnosed in Spain and more than 40 thousand in Extremadura. The partial knowledge about the development, evolution of the affected citizenship and their prognosis both early and late makes it necessary to analyze in depth their global and particular characteristics. We will carry out a multicenter, observational, descriptive, cross-sectional and longitudinal study of patients diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 virus infection in the Community of Extremadura to determine the effectiveness of drug treatments and the clinical and evolutionary characteristics of these patients and the different factors that may influence its evolution.

Detailed Description

Epidemiological, socio-sanitary, clinical, analytical and radiological data will be collected
retrospectively and prospectively from all patients diagnosed with COVID-19 without hospital
admission in our community from the start of the pandemic and for one year from the start of
the study.

These data will be obtained mainly from the clinical history and collected in the data
collection notebooks and electronic base designed for the study for subsequent analysis. The
data collection period will be one year, estimating a sample of 5,000 patients.

In addition, patients included in the study prospectively will be asked for consent to
collect a blood sample for freezing and storage in the Biobank of Extremadura and subsequent
use to determine biomarkers and genetics.

The present study will be carried out in accordance with the observational National
Post-Authorization Study (EPA) for medicines for human use proposed by Valdecilla Health
Research Institute (IDIVAL), the main objective of which is to determine the effectiveness of
the pharmacological treatments currently used in COVID-19.

Unknown status
Coronavirus Disease 2019
Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Patients of any age and sex, including minors and pregnant women.

- Patients diagnosed with SARS-Cov2 infection according to the clinical and
microbiological criteria established by the Health Authorities and clinical practice
(these can be modified based on the Technical document "Clinical management of
COVID-19" of the Ministry of Health) who require or not hospitalization and who
receive or not specific pharmacologic treatment for the SARS-Cov2 infection.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Patients who do not give their informed consent to participate in the study.

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: N/A ~ Maximum: N/A

Juan F Masa Jiménez, PhD
+34 927256200 - 51368

María A Sánchez Quiroga, MD
+34 927458000 - 78057

Juan F Masa Jiménez, PhD, Principal Investigator
Servicio Extremeño de Salud

Juan Fernando Masa Jiménez
NCT Number
Patients diagnosed with coronavirus disease 2019
Clinical characteristics of coronavirus disease 2019
Clinical evolution of coronavirus disease 2019
Effectiveness of drug treatment for coronavirus disease 2019
MeSH Terms
Coronavirus Infections