Official Title
Evaluation of Transnasal Endoscopy During COVID-19 Pandemic
Brief Summary

Patients who received the indication for endoscopic diagnostics using gastroscopy in transnasal technique will be included into the study. The examination is carried out in standard technique and is not influenced by the study. Following the examination, patient data is collected pseudonymously and a questionnaire is submitted to the patient.

Detailed Description

COVID-19 is transmitted, among other things, by a droplet infection. Conventional gastroscopy
through the patient's mouth is therefore considered a high-risk examination for the medical
and nursing staff. Alternatively, gastroscopy can also be performed through the patient's
nose. An advantage here is that the aerosol formation is naturally significantly reduced and
the patient usually does not need sedation, since in transnasal endoscopy no stranglehold
occurs. Transnasal endoscopy therefore appears to us, especially during the COVID-19
pandemic, as a safe alternative to conventional gastroscopy.

Patients who received the indication for endoscopic diagnostics using gastroscopy in
transnasal technique will be included into the study. The examination is carried out in
standard technique and is not influenced by the study. Following the examination, patient
data is collected pseudonymously and a questionnaire is sumbitted to the patient.

Only patients who have the indication for gastroscopy in transnasal technique are included. A
specific risk to patients cannot be foreseen.This study does not interfere with diagnostics
or therapy.

Unknown status

Other: gastroscopy in transnasal techique

All patients with indication for gastroscopy in transnasal technique are included.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Indication for transnasal endoscopy

Exclusion Criteria:

- pregnancy

- breast feeding

- contraindication to transnasal endoscopy

- pronounced blood clotting disorders

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: 75 Years

University Hospital Mainz
Mainz, Rhenanie-Palatinate, Germany

Investigator: Prof. Helmut Neumann, M.D. PhD
Contact: +49 (0) 6131


Helmut Neumann, M.D. PhD
+49 (0) 6131 - 176838

Tanja Bender, M.A.
+49 (0) 6131 - 176838

Helmut Neumann, M.D. PhD, Principal Investigator
University Medical Center Mainz

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
NCT Number
MeSH Terms