This research aims to investigate the incidence, clinical condition, mode of transmissionand laboratory data of women and their babies, who were exposed to COVID-19 infectionduring pregnancy. This project will consist of 4 subprojects, being that Subprojects 1and 2, will be of the observational, longitudinal type of prospective Cohort; Subproject3 will be of prevalence; Subproject 4 will be case-control. Subproject 1- This study aimsto assess periodontal condition and quality of life before and after delivery of womenwith excess weight gain or not, with exposure to coronavirus-sars-cov2. Subproject 2-Identify the proteins differentially expressed in saliva associated with COVID-19infection during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy in obese and eutrophic patients.Subproject 3- Assess the prevalence of congenital syndrome in babies associated with thepresumed maternal infection with SARS-CoV-2. Subproject 4- Case-control study in whichnewborns are submitted to clinical examination, being a group with congenitalmalformations and their respective controls and an interview with the mother was carriedout.
The present study will be included pregnant women who are in the third trimester of
pregnancy (from the 27th gestational week), aged 18-40 years, with regular follow-up with
the obstetrician and who present adequate systemic health during pregnancy, without the
need for absolute rest. In subprojects 1 and 2, pregnant women who tested positive for
IgM and IgG serology will be evaluated. Pregnant women who test positive (n = 60) and
pregnant women who test negative (n = 60) for coronavirus sars-cov-2 will be selected,
making a total of 120 pregnant women. In project 1 the sample will be divided into 4
groups of pregnant women: GOC- with excessive weight gain and with COVID19 (n = 30),
GOSC- without excessive weight gain and COVID19, GNC- without excessive weight gain and
with COVID19 (n = 30) and GNSC- without excessive weight gain and without COVID19 (n =
30). For subproject 2 that will have proteomic analysis, the number of 10 patients for
each group (GOC, GOSC, GNC and GNSC) will be adopted according to previous protocols for
saliva proteomic analysis. Subprojects 3 and 4 will consist of babies, to identify
possible congenital changes during the fetal period. In subproject 3, the 120 babies of
the pregnant women participating in the study will be divided into BC (n = 60) and BSC (n
= 60), which will be evaluated for the occurrence of the congenital syndrome associated
with the presumed maternal infection by coronavirus sars- cov-2. In project 4, the sample
will consist of 20 babies with congenital malformations for the case group (BM) and 20
control babies without congenital malformations (BSM), exposed to COVID19.
Other: congenital malformation
congenital malformation
Inclusion criteria for pregnant will be in the third trimester of pregnancy (from the
27th gestational week), aged 18-40 years, with regular follow-up with the obstetrician
and who present adequate systemic health during pregnancy, without the need for absolute
Exclusion Criteria criteria for pregnant will be patients with neuromotor weakness,
hypertension and diabetes mellitus prior to pregnancy, malnutrition (BMI <18.50 kg/m2),
overweight (BMI between 25.00 kg/m2 and 29.99 kg/m2), under antibiotic use or any
medication that may interfere with periodontal condition and users of
alcohol/tobacco/illicit drugs.
Inclusion criteria for babies will be mothers having tested COVID-19 positive and mothers
having tested COVID-19 negative in serological tests, to the BC group and the BSC group,
Exclusion criteria for babies will be after measuring the measurements, exams and
eligibility criteria, they are not eligible for coronavirus contamination during the
fetal period.