Evaluation of the efficacy of the AstrazenicaCovid 19 vaccine to develop IgG antibody andits level based on th12 weeks program. Also to follow the changes of markers ofcoagulation (D-dimer) after vaccination compared to the basic level. A cardiologyconsultant will follow D-Dimer results to be managed properly if there is a need. As itis expected to receive Sinopharm vaccine there will be comparison between results of thetwo types of vaccine. To our knowledge this will be the first study done on Egyptianpopulation.
SARS-CoV-2 has been in the human population for more than a year now, causing severe
disease in some and resulting in a pandemic that continues to put severe strain on
economies and healthcare infrastructures worldwide. Vaccination is considered as one of
the greatest successes in medical history. Based on prior experience with the development
of SARS-CoV vaccines, all COVID-19 vaccines must be subjected to the tests for protective
effects and harmful risks derived from antibody-dependent enhancement that may contribute
to augmented infectivity and/or eosinophilic infiltration. The SARS-CoV-2 vaccine is now
being developed urgently in several different ways.
In the UK, the first three vaccines have emergency use authorization, and a national
rollout is in progress. Many other countries are also instigating large scale vaccination
programmes. Assessment of the safety and efficacy of vaccines against the severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in different populations is essential .
The UK government recently decided to extend the interval between the first dose of the
Pfizer BioNTech and AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines from 3 weeks to 12 weeks to maximise
the number of people receiving the initial dose, despite the trials only providing
vaccine efficacy data based on a schedule of 21 days between doses.
Many reports were raised claiming Astrazenica vaccine for the development of vascular
thrombosis and studies are not finalized regarding this issue .
China is regarded as one of the world's leading countries in SARS-CoV-2 vaccine
development, up to date the last inactivated vaccine international clinical (Phase III)
trial was launched in the United Arab Emirates by Sinopharm China National Biotec Group
(CNBG).The ability to track and trace vaccines through the vaccine supply chain down to
persons vaccinated has to be enhanced.
Biological: Astrazenica vaccine
COVID-19 vaccines should be administered by intramuscular (IM) injection, preferably into
the deltoid muscle of the upper arm. Individuals who have minimal muscle mass in the
deltoid area of the upper arm, or a particular reason to avoid immunization in the
deltoid muscle, can be given their vaccine in the vastuslateralis muscle in the thigh if
Inclusion Criteria:
- All male and female above 18 years
Exclusion Criteria:
- age below 18 years -pregnancy-
- fever
- IGM positive for covid 19
Samia El-Shishtawy
Giza, Egypt
Investigator: Samia H El-Shishtawy, Assi. prof
Contact: 01003661563