Official Title
Evaluation of Allied Healthcare in Patients Recovering From COVID-19
Brief Summary

SUMMARY Rationale: Allied health professionals (i.e., dietitians, exercise therapists,physical therapists, occupational therapists and speech and language therapists) mightplay an important role in the recovery of patients with COVID-19 who experiencelimitations in daily physical functioning and participation. However, the evidence basefor allied healthcare in patients with COVID-19 has yet to be established. To facilitatecare for people recovering from COVID-19 and to establish this evidence base, the Dutchministry has created a temporary regulation for primary care allied healthcarespecifically for patients with COVID-19.Objective: This study is setup alongside the temporary regulation and aims to evaluatethe longitudinal recovery trajectories and related costs of patients who visited aprimary care allied healthcare professional for the management of severe symptoms andactivity limitations and/or participation restrictions related to COVID-19.Study design: Prospective cohort study. Study population: 1,315 adult patients recoveringfrom COVID-19 with severe symptoms and activity limitations and/or participationrestrictions, and who are referred to a primary care allied health professional by ageneral practitioner or medical specialist within four months of the start of the diseasewill be eligible for this study.Intervention (if applicable): Although the nature of this study is non-experimental, theallied healthcare intervention can be considered experimental due to the novelty of thedisease.Main study parameters/endpoints: The primary outcome domain of this study isparticipation measured with the Utrechtse Schaal voor Revalidatie - Participatie(USER-P). The primary endpoint is set at 6 months. A 5 point difference will beconsidered clinically relevant for patients with COVID-19.Nature and extent of the burden and risks associated with participation, benefit andgroup relatedness: There are no specific risks involved with participation in this study,as it entails the completion of questionnaires over the timeframe of one year (at thestart of the treatment, the end of the treatment, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 12months). The load of the survey will be highest at months 3, 6 and 12 with a total of 74survey items. Input from patient representatives suggested that this number of items wasfeasible, especially because participants are allowed to complete the survey over anumber of days. Finally, none of the items in the survey are considered emotionallydistressing. The prescribed interventions are conform the recommendations of the bestavailable evidence and are in line with usual allied healthcare interventions. Therefore,risks are likely to be negligible conform usual allied healthcare.

Unknown status
Allied Health Professionals
Primary Care
Retrospective Cohort
Performance Measures
Prospective Cohort
National Dutch Program

Other: Patients recovering from COVID19 receive usual care by allied health professionals

We will not develop specific interventions for this prospective observational cohort
study. The care provided by allied health professionals in daily practice are based on
recommendations published by the professional bodies of allied health professionals and
on the interdisciplinary guidance developed by the LAN. All allied health professionals
are working according to these recommendations. Dissemination of these recommendations is
done by the professional bodies of the allied health professionals. Given the
observational nature of our study, no additional implementation strategies will be
employed to stimulate this care by the research group.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

Adult patients

- recovering from COVID-19 with severe symptoms and activity limitations and/or
participation restrictions, and;

- who are referred to a primary care allied health professional by a general
practitioner or medical specialist within four months of the start of the disease;
will be eligible for this study. The need for referring the patient to an allied
health professional will be judged by the primary care physician or medical
specialist. Criteria for referral are described in guidance published by the Long
Alliantie Nederland (LAN) with recommendations for treatment of
post-COVID-19-patients: the COVID-19 Associated Syndrome (CAS) (Chapters 3.3 and 4).…

Exclusion Criteria:

Adult patients:

- receiving palliative care; are excluded from this study.

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: N/A

Radboud University Medical Center
Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands

Philip van der Wees, Prof. dr., Principal Investigator
Radboud University Medical Center

Radboud University Medical Center
NCT Number
Allied health professionals
primary care
MeSH Terms