Official Title
Epidemiological Study of the Covid-19 Presto Test Among Agents of the Local Authorities of CCTVL, Region Centre Val de Loire and Orleans Métropole. Correlation of IgM Level According to Contact With the Public
Brief Summary

The "COVIDOR" epidemiological study. Our study would be the first at the community level in Orleans Métropole, aiming to determine the link between a positive IgM level on the serological test and a healthy carrier of covid-19 in agents in contact with the public. It would provide epidemiological surveillance of anti-covid-19 immunity in the community

Detailed Description

The metropolitan area of Orléans Métropole has 6,700 agents divided into 250 different trades
and consequently multiple exposures and risks.

The global covid-19 pandemic has affected France and the Loiret, the sarscov-2 coronavirus,
has infected several thousand people. On May 7, 2020, there were 75 deaths at the CHRO
hospital in Orleans, excluding EHPAD. The contamination rate of the population of the Loiret
department has been estimated at 5.6% of the population by Public Health France. This rate is
very low and does not allow the use of serological screening tests because of too many false
positives or false negatives, there should be a prevalence of the disease greater than 60%.
The French health authorities do not recommend the use of a screening test at the present
time in view of the uncertainties of the results of this test. The Loiret Management Center,
the Department and Orléans Métropole have decided to offer a covid-19 serological screening
test, the covid-19 presto test, to voluntary territorial agents regardless of their return to
work following the national "deconfinement "on May 11, 2020 This can only be done through an
epidemiological surveillance study validated as part of a research protocol.

Coronavirus Infection

Diagnostic Test: Covid-19 presto test

Use an auto-test in 15 minutes get the results about covid-19 anticorps
Other Name: Covid-19 viro

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- All the agents of the 3 local authorities (Loire Valley Region, CCTVL and Orléans
Métropole) being voluntary to be tested for the COVID-PRESTO® test COVID-19 IgG / IgM
rapid test (whole blood / serum / plasma) - Cassette

- Volunteer to get tested

Exclusion Criteria:

- Opposition to the participation of the study

- Covid-19 disease

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: 65 Years

Unité de Recherche PARADICT-O - Orléans
Orléans, France

Unité de Recherche PARADICT-O - Service de Médecine - Orléans Métropole
Orléans, France

Dr Raphael SERREAU, MD, PhD, Principal Investigator
Orleans Metropole

Raphael Serreau
NCT Number
Public Health
voluntary agents
MeSH Terms
Coronavirus Infections