In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the novel coronavirus(COVID-19) a global pandemic. Ontario has confirmed more than 547,000 cases of COVID-19since testing began. For many of these patients, symptoms resolve within 4 weeks ofonset. However, it is becoming apparent that a significant number of individuals areexperiencing symptoms that persist long after the acute infection, known as Long COVID.These individuals have a wide constellation of presenting symptoms, often varying frominitial presentation. For this study, we will be enrolling individuals receiving care atThe Ottawa Hospital for Long COVID. This study aims to determine the following fourthings: 1) will adding electronic case management improve quality of life three monthsafter coming to hospital with Long COVID; 2) is the electronic case management platformcost effective; 3) is there any factors that predict outcomes at 3 months; 4) todetermine how a personalized rehabilitation program supported by a digital platform couldbe implemented for individuals with Long COVID. We will enroll individuals from TheOttawa Hospital who will then be randomly assigned to receive either usual care or usualcare plus electronic case management, through a platform called NexJ Connected Wellness.Participants will also complete questionnaires every 4 weeks for 3 months. We will belooking at quality of life, mental and physical health, cognitive symptoms, fatigue andpain.
Behavioral: NexJ Connected Wellness
NexJ Connected Wellness is an electronic case management platform with a patient-facing
smart phone application and a clinician-facing web dashboard.
Other: Usual Care
Participants will receive a treatment plan as decided on with their clinician(s).
Inclusion Criteria
Participants must:
1. Be 18 years of age or older
2. Have a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 with a PCR test at least 12 weeks prior OR a
confirmed Rapid Antigen Test at least 12-weeks prior OR meet Ottawa Public Health
guidance for a suspected COVID-19 case
3. Have at least one ongoing symptom consistent with Long COVID as measured by the WHO
Post COVID Case Report Form (CRF)
4. Have a minimum WHODAS (36 item) sum score of 15
5. Be willing to use email for study activities
6. Be able and willing to use a smart phone application for the duration of the trial
7. Be able to read and understand English or French.
8. Be willing and able to provide informed consent.
Exclusion Criteria
Participants must not:
1. Have any significant functional impairment (for example. advanced dementia, heart or
lung disease) as judged by the assessing clinician
2. Participate in another long-COVID trial where treatment is required in the protocol
(pharmacological or behavioural). Observational studies will be allowed.
3. Have symptoms consistent with Long COVID that are better explained by an alternative
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada