Official Title
The Effect of Virtual Reality Exercises on Pain, Cardiopulmonary Functional Capacity and Quality of Life in Patients With Post-COVID Syndrome
Brief Summary

The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of virtual reality exercises onpain, cardiopulmonary capacity, mood and quality of life in patients with post-COVIDsyndrome.

Detailed Description

This study, which will be conducted in Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation Clinic, was diagnosed with COVID-19 from an oropharyngeal or
nasopharyngeal swab sample more than 90 days ago with polymerase chain reaction, whose
symptoms have continued since the diagnosis of COVID-19, and inpatient treatment. 63
adult female and male post-COVID syndrome patients who did not develop pneumonia or organ
failure findings will be included. Those who have had acute myocardial infarction in the
last 6 months, have cardiovascular system disease such as uncontrolled hypertension,
arrhythmia, aneurysm, cardiac failure, have undergone fracture or orthopedic surgery in
the last 3 months, have a known chronic respiratory system disease, cause widespread pain
such as fibromyalgia syndrome Those who have a disease or cannot be mobilized
independently will not be included in the study. The sample size was determined as d=0.80
α=0.05 p=0.80410 n=54 using the G*Power program. Considering the 15% drop-out
risk, 63 patients were planned to be included.

Demographic data of all participants, including age, gender, height, weight and body mass
index, and the time elapsed since the diagnosis of COVID-19 will be recorded. In
addition, participants' pain intensity, functional capacity, general health status, mood,
and fatigue levels will be evaluated.

Unknown status

Other: Virtual Realty Exercises

motion-controlled video game

Other: Aerobic exercises

cycling activity

Other: conventional exercises

stretching, strengthening and endurance exercises

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- diagnosed with COVID-19 by polymerase chain reaction from an oropharyngeal or
nasopharyngeal swab sample more than 90 days ago, whose symptoms have continued
since the diagnosis of COVID-19

Exclusion Criteria:

- have been hospitalized due to COVID-19,

- have developed pneumonia or organ failure findings.

- have had an acute myocardial infarction in the last 6 months,

- have cardiovascular system disease such as uncontrolled hypertension, arrhythmia,
aneurysm, cardiac failure,

- have undergone fracture or orthopedic surgery in the last 3 months,

- have a known chronic respiratory system disease,

- have widespread pain such as fibromyalgia syndrome

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: 65 Years

Sivas Cumhuriyet University
Sivas, Turkey

Musa Polat, Principal Investigator
Cumhuriyet University

Cumhuriyet University
NCT Number