The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly elevated levels of stress to people all over the globe, but none more than to the providers on the front-line. The purpose of the study is to first, assess the effects of the pandemic on burnout, team cohesion, and resiliency among healthcare providers battling COVID-19 together in a medical ICU (MICU). Secondly, the investigators hope to then assess the effects of simple positive feedback on transforming culture and attitudes during times of major stress.
Behavioral: Positive feedback
Participants will submit positive feedback comments to their colleagues (anonymously or signed, participant-dependent) through an anonymous survey link, a minimum of twice weekly to 6 uniquely different individuals over a 4 week period (total minimum 24 unique individuals over the study period).
Inclusion Criteria:
- Front-line healthcare providers in the Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU): nurses,
respiratory therapists, resident physicians, fellow physicians, and attending
Exclusion Criteria:
- Healthcare providers providing only consultatory care in the MICU
- Front-line healthcare providers not working in the MICU during the study period
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Los Angeles, California, United States
Jack Green, MD, Principal Investigator
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center