This study, which has a randomized controlled experimental design, was planned todetermine the effect of music therapy on the anxiety level of family health personnelworking in primary health care centers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study will becarried out between 4 August and 31 December with nurses, midwives and other familyhealth personnel working in family health centers. Participants will be randomized intotwo groups, a control and an intervention group. Individuals in the intervention groupwill receive 15 minutes of music therapy once a day for 5 days. No intervention will bemade in the control group. Data Descriptive Question and State-Trait Anxiety Inventoryonline design; It will be collected on the Google Forms platform.. Data analysis will bedone using SPSS 20 program.
Today, billions of people are struggling with the pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus.
The pandemic causes many psychosocial and mental health problems in humans. (Montano and
Acebes 2020, Guo, Feng et al. 2020, Ostacoli, Cosmo et al. 2020, Carmassi, Foghi et al.
2020, Heitzman 2020, Sun, Sun et al. 2021, Yuan ,Gong et al. 2021, Taylor, Landry et al
2020 ). Many people have faced problems such as stress, depression and anxiety (Liu, Yang
et al 2020). Compared to other segments of the society, health workers experience these
problems more frequently and more severely. The reason for this is that healthcare
professionals undertake the task of providing health care services to people infected
with the virus, being together with patients, having close contact and meeting their
health needs. This situation triggers the risk of contact with patients, fear of death,
concerns about the health of themselves and their family members, and psychological
problems (Aykurt and Aykurt 2020). Therefore, healthcare workers are considered to be a
high-risk group in which the psychological consequences of COVID-19 are significant and
persistent (Fiorillo and Gorwood 2020).
Studies in the literature have shown that healthcare workers experience severe anxiety
due to COVID-19. (Yanez, Jahanshahi et al 2020, Sahebi, Nejati et al 2021, Lai, Ma et al
2019, Ataç, Sezerol et al 2020, Luo, Liu et al 2021).
It is very important to screen health workers who provide uninterrupted service in
pandemic conditions in terms of anxiety and other psychological problems and to plan
remedial interventions. In this context, music therapy, which is known as an effective
method to reduce the anxiety level of individuals and reduce stress, comes to mind. Music
therapy studies with healthcare professionals are limited in the literature. In this
context, it is aimed that this study will contribute to filling this gap in the
literature and creating a database.
Other: Music Therapy
Classical Music, Turkish Classical Music, Turkish Folk Music and Sufi Music
Inclusion Criteria:
- Not having a verbal or auditory communication barrier,
- To voluntarily agree to participate in the research,
- Not having a diagnosis of neuropsychiatric disease,
- Having the opportunity to fill out the surveys online,
- Possess the title of midwife or nurse.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Having a diagnosed neuropsychiatric disorder,
- Verbal and auditory communication disability,
- Not being willing to participate in the research,
- Having a title other than a midwife or nurse.
Family Health Centers in Bolu
Bolu, Turkey
Investigator: ASM
Sinem Kurtoğlu
Saadet Can Çiçek
Saadet Can Çiçek, Study Director