Official Title
What Are the Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic Among Operated Patients? A Hospital Based Cohort in Stockholm, Sweden
Brief Summary

This project covers several research aims. In a cohort study, the investigators aim tocompare confirmed COVID-19 patients with non-COVID-19 patients who undergo surgicaltreatment and study factors associated with good or bad outcomes.

Detailed Description

Background A novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) was first detected in the Hubei Province in
China in December, 2019. The virus causes a severe respiratory disease (Coronavirus
disease 2019, COVID-19) that has rapidly spread worldwide. The COVID-19 pandemic is
prognosed to affect a majority of the world's population before the end of 2020.
Throughout the course of the pandemic, patients will continuously need essential
healthcare, such as for acute surgical conditions. How the clinical course and management
of surgical conditions is influenced by concomitant COVID-19 is largely unknown. There is
an acute need for an improved evidence base to inform treatment strategies and guide the
management of this patient group.

Objectives of initial analyses

1. To compare confirmed COVID-19 patients with non-COVID-19 patients who undergo
surgical treatment and study factors associated with good or bad outcomes.

Methods The study will enroll consecutive patients that undergo surgical treatment in the
Stockholm Region. Data will be extracted from a series of linked electronic systems, such
as electronic healthcare records systems, and regional data systems. Collected data will
include routine clinical data, such as baseline characteristics, previous medical
history, details on care given at the hospital and data from follow-up visits. Endpoints
include death, length of hospital stay and complications, such as readmission,
reoperation, sepsis, respiratory failure, and number of days in the intensive care unit.
Outcome data of patients with confirmed COVID-19 will be compared to those of patients
without COVID-19.

Dissemination and relevance To the best of the investigators knowledge, there has been no
previous comprehensive comparative research on patients with and without confirmed
COVID-19 that undergo surgical treatment. The results will be disseminated through
peer-reviewed publications, aiming for journals with a rapid editorial process,
preferably open access journals. The findings are expected to increase the knowledge to
establish best-treatment strategies and improve outcomes, both for patients affected by
COVID-19 and by future epidemics.


Other: COVID-19 infection status

We will compare patients with/without confirmed COVID-19 infection

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Patients that undergo surgical treatment in the Stockholm Region during the study

Exclusion Criteria:


Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: N/A ~ Maximum: N/A

Samtliga akutsjukhus i Region Stockholm
Stockholm, Sweden

Investigator: Andreas Älgå, MD, PhD
Contact: 0702463287


Andreas Älgå, MD, PhD

Gabriel Sandblom, MD, PhD, Study Chair
Södersjukhuset AB, Stockholm, Sweden

Karolinska Institutet
NCT Number
MeSH Terms