Official Title
Double Blind Randomized Clinical Trial of Use of Colchicine Added to Standard Treatment in Hospitalized Patients With Covid-19 Infection
Brief Summary

EC CORONACOLCHI is a multicenter, double-blind and randomized clinical trial with twobranches. Patients who meet all the inclusion criteria and none of the exclusion criteriawill be randomized 1: 1 to be included in one of the following groups: - Experimental group: colchicine for 2 weeks orally at the doses described, added to the standard treatment of COVID-19. - Control group: placebo for 2 weeks orally added to standard COVID-19 treatment.

Unknown status
Covid-19 Infection

Drug: Colchcine

In patients not taking lopinavir / ritonavir or any other CYP3A4 or P-glycoprotein
inhibitor drugs:

- Day 1: 1 single dose of 1 mg orally, in a single dose.

- Days 2 to 6: 0.5 mg every 12 hours v.o.

- Days 7 to 14: 0.5 mg / 24 hours v.o. In patients taking drugs that inhibit the
CYP3A4 system or the P-glycoprotein, these drugs will be attempted to be
discontinued. The dose in these cases will be: o 0.5 mg every 72 hours v.o. while
taking the drug that interacts.

or 0.5 mg every 24 hours v.o. when, after suspending the interacting drug, at least 5
half-lives of the suspended drug have elapsed, from the last intake of said drug (in the
case of lopinavir / ritonavir this would be a total of 24-30 hours) until the 14th day.

In patients older than 80 years or patients with CKD-EPI estimated glomerular renal
failure filtration rate between 30 and 50 ml / min / 1.73 m2), the colchicine / placebo
dose will be:

o Days 1 to 14: 0.5 mg / day

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- 1 - Acute symptoms compatible with SARS-CoV-2 infection: fever, cough, myalgia,
dysgeusia / ageusia, dyspnea, pulmonary infiltrates on X-ray / CT, or any sign /
symptom attributable to said infection


2. Microbiologically confirmed infection by SARS-CoV-2 (PCR and / or CLIA or ELISA
serology or with a valid microbiological diagnostic test with antigen test).

- 3.> 18 years.


4. <2 weeks from the onset of symptoms.


5. Admitted (with or without pneumonia) and ambulant (with pneumonia demonstrated
by X-ray or CT)


6. Some analytical degree of moderate inflammation defined by PCR between 20 and
80 mg / L and / or ferritin between the high limit of normality (LAN) and 3
times said LAN


7. Signing of the Informed Consent, or acceptance of oral consent before

Exclusion Criteria:


1. Drug allergy.


2. Intolerance to lactose and / or cow's milk proteins.


3. Renal failure with GFR <30 ml / min.


4. Liver cirrhosis or severe liver failure


5. Pregnancy or breastfeeding.


6. Blood dyscrasias or cardiac disorders that in the opinion of the investigator
contraindicate the use of colchicine.


7. Pre-existing degenerative neuromuscular disease.


8. Acute or chronic diarrhea or malabsorptive syndrome that in the judgment of the
clinician contraindicates the use of colchicine.


9. CRP> 80 mg / L or ferritin> 3 times LAN


10. Shock or hemodynamic instability.


11. Respiratory distress measured by PaO2 / FIO2 <300 or baseline O2 saturation ≤


12. Patients undergoing mechanical ventilation.


13. Chronic treatment with any drug that, in the opinion of the investigator,
interacts with colchicine and cannot be discontinued during the clinical trial,
unacceptably increasing the risk of toxicity (digoxin, cyclosporine, etc.)


14. Have received any dose of colchicine, tocilizumab, any antiL6 or antiL1 drug.


15. Current treatment with corticosteroids (except chronic corticosteroid therapy
without recent increase in dose).


16. Participation in any other clinical trial of patients with COVID-19.


17. Any other condition that, in the opinion of the investigator, contraindicates
the use of colchicine or puts the subject at risk due to their participation in
the study.

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: 99 Years

Biodonostia Health Research Institute
San Sebastián, Guipuzcoa, Spain

Biogipuzkoa Health Research Institute
NCT Number
MeSH Terms