Official Title
A Dose Escalation and Dose Expansion Study of NOX66 in the Treatment of COVID-19 Infection (NOXCOVID)
Brief Summary

Phase Ib, open-label, multicenter, study of NOX66, given rectally to hospitalized patients with moderate systemic illness due to COVID-19 infection at high risk of developing severe sepsis / septic shock.


Drug: NOX66

NOX66 Suppository

Eligibility Criteria

Key Inclusion Criteria:

1. Hospitalized patient with clinically diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection per World
Health Organization criteria including positive nucleic acid test of any specimen
(e.g., respiratory, blood, or other bodily fluid) within 2 weeks prior to
screening.{Other confirmatory test results will be accepted upon approval from
Sponsor/CRO Medical Monitor prior to enrolment}.

2. Symptoms suggestive of moderate systemic illness with COVID-19, which could include
any of the following symptoms: fever, cough, sore throat, malaise, headache, muscle
pain, gastrointestinal symptoms, or shortness of breath at rest, or respiratory

3. Clinical signs indicative of moderate systemic COVID-19 illness (with high risk of
developing severe ARDS/septic shock) with an aggregate of NEWS-2 score of 4-6 or 3 in
one single parameter.

Key Exclusion Criteria:

Patients who meet any of the following criteria will be disqualified from entering the

1. Patients who require endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation, oxygen
delivered by high-flow nasal cannula (heated, humidified, oxygen delivered via
reinforced nasal cannula at flow rates >20 L/min with fraction of delivered oxygen ≥
0.5), non-invasive positive pressure ventilation, ECMO, or clinical diagnosis of
respiratory failure.

2. Presence of any of the following abnormal laboratory values at screening: aspartate
aminotransferase (AST) or alanine aminotransferase (ALT) >5 x upper limit of normal
(ULN), platelets <50,000/µL.

3. Treatment with anti-IL 6, anti-IL-6R antagonists, or with Janus kinase inhibitors in
the past 30 days or plans to receive during the study period.

4. Current treatment with conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs
(DMARDs)/immunosuppressive agents.

5. Use of chronic oral corticosteroids for a non-COVID-19-related condition in a dose
higher than prednisone 10 mg or equivalent per day.

6. History of, or current autoimmune or inflammatory systemic or localized disease(s)
other than rheumatoid arthritis.

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: N/A
Moldova, Republic of

Institute of Emergency Medicine
Chisinau, Moldova, Republic of

Gisela Mautner, MD, PhD, Study Director
Noxopharm Limited

Noxopharm Limited
NCT Number
MeSH Terms