The purpose of the study is to describe disability following hospitalization in people ofworking-age surviving COVID-19.
In December 2019, the Wuhan Municipal Health Committee in China identified an outbreak
with viral pneumonia cases of unknown cause. Coronavirus RNA was identified as the causal
agent. The disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 has been named COVID-19. While most people with
COVID-19 develop uncomplicated illness, approximately 14% develop severe forms of the
disease and 5% are critically ill, potentially leaving survivors with non-fatal sequelae.
To date, the long-term burden of COVID-19 and patients' perspectives and needs have been
left unaddressed. As compared to 2003 SARS outbreak, one can anticipate persisting
disability in COVID-19 survivors, including specific post-COVID and non-specific
post-intensive care syndromes. The investigators hypothesize that dramatic
COVID-19-specific and non-specific mid- and long-term disabilities would persist in
people surviving COVID-19.
The main objective will be to provide a deep understanding of non-fatal health outcomes
in people surviving COVID-19, by comprehensively and systematically mapping and
monitoring, within the WHO ICF framework, disability levels and profiles, in the mid and
long terms in people surviving COVID-19.
Disability levels will be assessed at 12 (±7) and 36 (±3) months using:
- Parts 1a (impairments of body functions) and 2 (activity limitation and
participation restriction) of the WHO ICF checklist v2.1, administered by a health
care provider, and
- Self-administered 36-item WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0)
A. The secondary objectives will be to describe COVID-19 specific and non-specific
impairments, activity limitations and participation restriction at 12 (±7) and 36 (±3)
months in people surviving COVID-19:
- Impairments, participation restrictions and health-related quality of life (HRQoL)
at 12 (±7) and 36 (±3) months will be assessed using online specific
self-administered questionnaires and face-to-face specific tests
- Non-pharmacological / pharmacological treatments at baseline, 12 (±7) and 36 (±3)
months will be self-reported
- Total costs, cost drivers and estimated Years-Lived with Disability (YLDs) at 36
(±3) months will be calculated B. Another secondary objective will be to assess the
burden of the patient's SARS-CoV-2 infection on the patient's close relative,
between M12-inclusion and M36 patient visits
- The burden on patient's close relative will be assessed using specific printed
self-administered questionnaires
Other: Hospitalization
Hospitalization in intensive care and non-intensive care units for COVID-19 followed by
usual care
Inclusion Criteria:
- Adults of working-age (18 to 70 years),
- Hospitalization during the prespecified inclusion period (from March 2020 to March
2021) (NB : in case of transferred patients, inclusion in the DisCOVID study must be
carried out in the first place of admission for COVID),
- Laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 and/or CT-scan showing typical radiological
- SARS-CoV-2 of any duration,
- Ability to comply with study visits,
- Informed written consent
Exclusion Criteria:
- Return home in less than 72 hours
- Absence of health insurance,
- Inability to fluently speak and/or read French language,
- People under tutorship or curatorship and protected adults.
Cochin Hospital
Paris, France
Investigator: Christelle NGUYEN, MD, PhD
Contact: +33 1 58 41 29 45
Christelle NGUYEN, MD, PhD
+33 1 58 41 29 45
+33 1 58 41 12 13