The COVID-19 can cause important sequels in the respiratory system by bilateral pneumoniaand frequently presents loss of strength, dyspnea, polyneuropathies and multi-organicaffectation. Long COVID-19 has been defined as the condition occurring in individualswith a history of probable or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, with related symptomslasting at least 2 months and not explainable by an alternative diagnosis. The practiceof digital physiotherapy presents itself as a promising complementary treatment method tostandard physiotherapy, playing a key role in the recovery of function in subjects whohave passed the disease and who maintain some symptomatology over time. The aims of thisresearch are to explore the effect of a digital physiotherapy intervention on functionalrecovery in patients diagnosed with Long COVID-19 and to identify the level of adherenceto the treatment carried out. Physiotherapy interventions acquires a fundamental role inthe recovery of the functions and the quality of life. As secondary objectives, the aimis to identify the satisfaction and perception of patients with the intervention and thepresence of barriers to its implementation (throught a qualitative research), as well asto evaluate the cost-effectiveness from the perspective of the health system. Aquasi-experimental pre-post study assessed initially and at the end of the 4-weekintervention the functional capacity (1-min STS and SPPB) and the adherence (software).The hypothesis of this research is that the implementation of a TR program presentspositive results. If hypothesis is confirmed, that would be an opportunity to define newpolicies and interventions to address this disease and its consequences.
The authors hypothesised that the implementation of a digital physiotherapy intervention
in Long COVID-19 participants is effective to improve the functional capacity and
adherence and have positive results in patients satisfaction.
Other: Digital Physiotherapy Practice (Telerehabilitation)
Online Physiotherapy services
Other Name: Telemedicine, ehealth
Inclusion Criteria:
- Adult over 18 years old
- Diagnosis: Long COVID-19 syndrome
- Residing in the Andalusian Community during the research period
- To have a computer technology with an internet connection aat home (personal
computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone)
- Ability and knowledge to access email or whatsapp
Exclusion Criteria:
-Cognitive ability not suitable for the use of technological tools
Facultad Ciencias de la Salud
Málaga, Spain
José-Manuel Pastora-Bernal, PhD, Principal Investigator
Universidad de Granada