Official Title
Evaluation of the Potential Benefit of Renin-angiotensin System Inhibitors (RASi, ACEi/ARB) in High-risk Patients With COVID-19. The COVID-RASi Trial
Brief Summary

The COVID-RASi study is an international randomized clinical trial that will evaluate thepotential benefit of angiotensin modulators on clinical outcomes, in COVID-19 patients.The purpose of this study is to determine if renin-angiotensin system inhibitors (RASi),with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi) or angiotensin II receptor blockers(ARB), has a beneficial effect in patients with COVID-19 infections, by reducing ICUadmission, ventilator requirement or death. We would also like to determine if there aredifferences between ACEi and ARB therapeutic treatments. With the increasing potential oflong COVID symptoms, at the 1 year follow up, a primary endpoint will be the quality oflife of study participants, as assessed by ongoing symptoms and/or the standardizedquestionnaires.

Detailed Description

The goal is to determine if RASi with ACEi or ARB, has a beneficial effect in patients
with COVID-19 infections, by reducing hospitalizations, ICU admission, ventilator
requirement or death.

This is a multi-centre study, conducted in major centres treating COVID-19 patients
in-hospital and in various outpatient settings.

Patients admitted to hospital or outpatients that test positive for COVID-19 and meet the
inclusion/exclusion criteria will be eligible to participate in this study. All study
participants will not be on RASi (ACEi/ARB) treatment at the time of consent.
Participants will be randomized to initiation of ACEi vs ARB treatment vs no RASi
treatment as part of care for COVID-19 in a 1:1:1 ratio.

The patient will be followed by their physician according to usual clinical care. Sites
will complete research-related follow-ups at 24 hours, 7 and 28 days to asssess patient's
clinical status, side effects and the achievement of clinical endpoints by telephone
interviews. Phone call follow ups will also be conducted at 6 months and 12 months after
enrollment in the study.

Active, not recruiting
Cardiovascular Diseases

Drug: Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor

The study recommends physicians to select an ACEi with proven benefit in cardiovascular
diseases such as perindopril, ramipril or enalapril. Lab values will be obtained during
baseline. The patient will be followed by the physician clinically, with recommended
laboratory testing in one week, including renal function, potassium assessment, and dose
adjustments as appropriate.

Drug: Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers

The study recommends physicians to select evidence-based ARBs such as candesartan or
valsartan or losartan. Lab values will be obtained during baseline. The patient will be
followed by the physician clinically, with recommended laboratory testing in one week,
and dose adjustments as appropriate.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Patient with COVID-19 diagnosis with laboratory confirmation within the last 30 days

- Age 40 years old or greater if outpatient OR age 18 years old or greater if
inpatient (admitted to the hospital) at time of recruitment

Exclusion Criteria:

- Contraindication to ARB or ACEi, including severe aortic stenosis and angioedema

- Patients who are currently on active treatment with ARB/ACEi

- Known bilateral renal artery stenosis

- Systolic BP ≤90 mmHg

- eGFR<30 ml/min, if not receiving dialysis treatment

- K>5.5 mmol/L on screening laboratory testing

- Recent history of dizziness, vertigo, related to hypotension or orthostatic
hypotension, that can lead to contraindication to ACEI/ARBs

- Acute respiratory distress syndrome requiring invasive ventilation

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: N/A

Centro de Pesquisa Clinicas Dr Marco Mota
Maceio, Alagoas, Brazil

Santa Casa de Itabuna
Itabuna, Bahia, Brazil

Centro de Pesquisas em Diabetes e Doencas Endocrino-Metabolicas
Fortaleza, CE, Brazil

Hospital Felicio Rocho
Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil

Centro de Pesquisa Clinica da Unimed Campo Grande
Campo Grande, MG, Brazil

Clinica de Campo Grande
Campo Grande, MG, Brazil

Nucleo de Pesquisa Clinica SS
Curitiba, Parana, Brazil

Hospital Agamenom Magalhaes
Recife, PE, Brazil

Pronto Socorro Cardiologico de Pernambuco Recife
Recife, PE, Brazil

Hospital Eduardo Campos da Pessoa Idosa
Estancia, Recife, Brazil

Instituto Atena de Pesquisa Clinica
Natal, RN, Brazil

Hospital Universitar Canoas
Canoas, RS, Brazil

Hospital Sao Vicente de Paulo
Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil

Hospital Sao Lucas da PUCRS
Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

Hospital Universitario Sao Francisco na Providencia de Deus
Bragança Paulista, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Instituto de Pesquisa Clinica de Campinas
Campinas, SP, Brazil

Hospital Bela Vista
Consolacao, SP, Brazil

Instituto Prevent Senior
Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil

Hospital de Julho
São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Instituto de Coracao
São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Instituto Goiano de Oncologia e Hematologia
Goiânia, Brazil

Alberta Health Services
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

University of Ottawa Heart Institute
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Hospital de Infectologia Dr Daniel Mendez Fernandez
Azcapotzalco, Ciudad De Mexico, Mexico

Unidad de Medicina Familiar No 77
Ecatepec de Morelos, Estado De Mexico, Mexico

Hospital General de Zona 20
La Margarita, Puebla, Mexico

Hospital General Regional No 2
El Marques, Queretaro, Mexico

Hospital General zona 11
Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico

Unidad de Medicina Familiar No 10
Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico

Hospital General 1, IMSS
Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico

Hospital General de zona 27- IMSS
Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico

Peter Liu, MD, Principal Investigator
Ottawa Heart Institute Research Corporation

Ottawa Heart Institute Research Corporation
NCT Number
cardiovascular risk factors
Corona Virus
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
Renin-angiotensin system inhibitors
angiotensin receptor blockers
MeSH Terms
Cardiovascular Diseases
Angiotensin II
Enzyme Inhibitors
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
Angiotensin Receptor Antagonists