Official Title
Kinetics of COVID-19-neutralising Antibodies in Patients Residing in EHPAD / USLD: Influence of Immunosenescence
Brief Summary

This study aims to determine how long COVID-19 neutralizing antibodies can be detected inan elderly institutionalized population presenting fragility factors.This study also aims to stratify seroconversion by immunological profiles of the elderlypatients residing in the EHPAD. This stratification requires the measurement ofimmunological marker levels already described in immunosenescence and also involved inthe development of certain chronic infectious diseases more common in the elderlypopulation. This analysis will enable the investigators to describe an immunological,clinical and biological profile representing a patient who has developed an immunityagainst COVID 19. It will also help the investigators to understand the differentmechanisms leading to a reduced immune response after a potential administration of avaccine. Finally, it will help describe the immune profiles of elderly residents whopresented with non-severe forms of COVID-19.

Active, not recruiting
Geriatric Medicine

Biological: blood sample

Sample collection of 4 to 10 tubes of whole blood will be done according to centre
Saint-Victor's protocol.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Residents of the EHPAD/USLD St Victor of the Amiens CHU who took part in the
screening campaign (RT-PCR and serology) organized by the Amiens CHU

- residents who signed a consent form to participate in the study

Exclusion Criteria:

- The patient or his legal representative refused to participate in the study

- Heavily sedated patients

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: N/A

CHU Amiens
Amiens, France

Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Amiens
NCT Number
geriatric medicine
MeSH Terms