Official Title
Screening Protocol for a Dose Finding Human Experimental Infection Study in Healthy Subjects Using a GMP-produced SARS-COV-2 Wild Type Strain
Brief Summary

The aim of this screening protocol is to assess volunteers for their potential eligibility to participate in a dose finding human experimental infection study in healthy subjects using a GMP-produced SARS-CoV-2 wild type strain

Detailed Description

Recruitment will be done through a number of channels:

- Approved advertising, including social medial

- hVIVO volunteer database

- Referral

- Organic search, i.e. where the volunteer has learned of this study by doing a Google
search or through friends or family rather than due to any advertising Following
Research Ethics Committee approval of the full study, screened subjects who confirm
their willingness to participate in the SARS-CoV-2 human infection challenge
characterization study will be invited to consider the study-specific PIS-ICF and enter
the final study consenting process.

The number of subjects who are to be recruited will depend on specific sample-size
requirements for the SARS-CoV-2 human infection characterization study.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

1. An informed consent document signed and dated by the participant and the Investigator.

2. Male or female, age between 18 and 30 years inclusive (at the time of the study

3. Seronegative to the challenge virus SARS-CoV-2

4. Women of childbearing potential with a documented menstrual period within 28 days
before the first dose (unless using a contraceptive method that suppressed
menstruation as indicated in the study protocol) and willing and able to use
contraception as described in the study protocol from 4 weeks before the scheduled
date of viral challenge until 30 days after receipt of the final dose of study
medication. Negative urine pregnancy test will be required at screening plus, on
admission to the quarantine unit, a Negative serum beta human chorionic gonadotropin
(β-hCG) is a required. Also a negative urinary pregnancy test prior to virus challenge
is also required.

5. Men who are willing to use one of the contraception methods described in the study
protocol, from the time of the date of viral challenge, until 90 days after receipt of
the final dose of study medication.

6. In good health with no history of clinically significant medical conditions (as
described in Exclusion criteria) that would interfere with subject safety, as defined
by medical history, physical examination and routine laboratory tests, ECG, and Chest
X-Ray* and determined by the Investigator at a screening evaluation and/or at
admission to the Quarantine Unit.

7. Subjects will have a documented medical history either prior to entering the study
and/or following medical history review with the study physician at screening

8. Using the QCOVID tool, an absolute risk of COVID-associated death of 1 in 250,000
(0.0004%) or less and COVID-associated hospital admission of 1 in 5000 (0.02%) or
less), or alternative risk threshold at the discretion of the CI with advice from the

Exclusion Criteria:

Any potential subject who meet any of the criteria below will be excluded from
participating in this study.

Clinical history 1. History or evidence of any clinically significant or currently
active cardiovascular, (including thromboembolic events), respiratory, dermatological,
gastrointestinal, endocrine, haematological, hepatic, immunological, rheumatological,
metabolic, urological, renal, neurological, psychiatric illness. Specifically:

a) Subjects with any history of physician diagnosed and/or objective test confirmed
asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary hypertension, reactive airway
disease, or chronic lung condition of any aetiology or who have experienced:

o Significant/severe wheeze in the past

- Respiratory symptoms including wheeze which has ever resulted in hospitalisation

- Known bronchial hyperreactivity to viruses b) History of thromboembolic,
cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease c) History or evidence of diabetes
mellitus d) Any concurrent serious illness including history of malignancy that
could interfere with the aims of the study or a subject completing the study.
Basal cell carcinoma within 5 years of treatment or with evidence of recurrence
is also an exclusion e) Migraine with associated neurological symptoms such as
hemiplegia or vision loss. Cluster headache/migraine or prophylactic treatment
for migraine f) History or evidence of autoimmune disease or known
immunodeficiency of any cause.

g) Other major disease that, in the opinion of the Investigator, could interfere
with a subject completing the study and necessary investigations.

h) Immunosuppression of any type. 2. Any significant abnormality altering the
anatomy of the nose in a substantial way or nasopharynx, a clinically significant
history of epistaxis (large nosebleeds) within the last 3 months, nasal or sinus
surgery within 6 months of inoculation.

3. Clinically active rhinitis (including hay fever) or history of moderate to
severe rhinitis, or history of seasonal allergic rhinitis likely to be active at
the time of inclusion into the study and/or requiring regular nasal
corticosteroids on an at least weekly basis, within 30 days of admission to

4. History of anaphylaxis and/or a history of severe allergic reaction or
significant intolerance to any food or drug, as assessed by the PI.

5. History or presence of alcohol addiction, or excessive use of alcohol (average
weekly intake in excess of 28 units alcohol; one unit being a half glass of beer,
a small glass of wine or a measure of spirits).

6. Psychiatric illness including subjects with a history of depression and/or
anxiety with associated severe psychiatric comorbidities, for example psychosis.

a) Subjects with history of anxiety-related symptoms of any severity within the
last 2 years if the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 score is ≥4 b) Subjects with a
history of depression of any severity within the last 2 years if the Patient
Health Questionnaire-9 score is ≥4

7. Current smokers or subjects who have smoked ≥5 pack years at any time [5 pack
years is equivalent to one pack of 20 cigarettes a day for 5 years].

• Subjects who have smoked <5 pack years - at any time in the 3 months prior to
admission to the quarantine unit they have used tobacco in any form (e.g.,
smoking or chewing) or other nicotine-containing products in any form (e.g., gum,
patch) or electronic cigarettes.

8. Family history of 1st degree relative aged 50 years or less with sudden
cardiac or unexplained death 9. Family History of Severe COVID or response to any
other viral disease e.g. Guillain-Barré Measurements and investigations

1. A total body weight of ≤ 50g and a Body Mass Index (BMI) ≤18 kg/m2 and ≥28
kg/m2. The upper limit of BMI may be increased to ≤ 30kg/m2 at the PI's
discretion, in the case of physically fit muscular individual

2. Venous access deemed inadequate for the phlebotomy and cannulation demands
of the study.

3. Any clinically significant abnormal finding on screening biochemistry,
haematology and microbiology blood tests or urinalysis i.e. grade 1 lab
abnormalities (or above, see Appendix 4 Toxicity Grading Scale for
Laboratory AEs) apart from minor deviations which are clinically acceptable
and approved by the Principal Investigator

a) Elevated random glucose and HbA1C b) Positive HIV, active/chronic
hepatitis A, B or C test. c) Confirmed positive test for drugs of abuse on
admission and urinary cotinine at quarantine.

4. A forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and a forced vital capacity
(FVC) <80% of predicted value calculated using ATS/ERS guidance

5. Twelve-lead ECG recording with clinically relevant abnormalities as judged
by the study physician/PI.

Recent respiratory infection

6. History of, or currently active symptoms suggestive of upper or lower
respiratory tract infection (including reduced sense of taste and smell,
raised body temperature and/or persistent cough) within 6 weeks prior to
viral challenge.

7. Presence of cold-like symptoms and/or fever (defined as subject presenting
with a temperature reading of >37.9ºC) Receipt of medications and

8. Evidence of a live vaccine within 60 days prior to the planned date of viral
challenge, a non-live vaccine within 30 days prior to the planned date of
viral challenge, or intention to receive any vaccination(s) before the day
28 follow-up visit. (NB. No travel restrictions applied after the Day 28
Follow-up visit).

9. Receipt of blood or blood products, or loss (including blood donations) of
550 mL or more of blood during the 3 months prior to the planned date of
viral challenge or planned during the 3 months after the final visit.

10. Medications

a) Use of any medication or product (prescription or over-the-counter), for
symptoms of hayfever, nasal congestion or respiratory tract infections or
dermatitis/eczema including the use of regular nasal or medium-high potency
dermal corticosteroids, antibiotics and First Defence™ (or generic
equivalents) within 7 days prior to the planned date of viral challenge
apart from those described and allowed in Permitted Medication or agreed by
the Principle Investigator b) Receipt of any investigational drug within 3
months prior to the planned date of viral challenge.

c) Receipt of three or more investigational drugs within the previous 12
months prior to the planned date of viral challenge.

d) Prior inoculation with a virus from the same virus-family as the
challenge virus.

e) Receipt of systemic (intravenous and/or oral) glucocorticoids or systemic
antiviral drugs within 6 months prior to the planned date of viral

f) Over the counter medications (e.g., paracetamol or ibuprofen) where the
dose taken over the preceding 7 days prior to the planned date of viral
challenge had exceeded the maximum permissible 24-hour dose (e.g., >4g per
day of paracetamol over the preceding week).

g) Use or anticipated use within 7 days prior to the planned date of viral
challenge and during the conduct of the study of concomitant medications
(prescription and/or non-prescription), including vitamins or herbal and
dietary supplements within the specified windows.

h) Chronically used medications, vitamins or dietary supplements, including
any medication known to be a moderate/potent inducer or inhibitor of
cytochrome P450 enzymes, within 21 days prior to the planned date of viral

i) Subjects who have received any systemic chemotherapy agent,
immunoglobulins, or other cytotoxic or immunosuppressive drugs at any time.

11. Prior participation in another human viral challenge study in the preceding
12 months taken from the date of viral challenge in the previous study to
the date of expected viral challenge in this study.

12. Any nasal sampling procedure in the 6 months before date of expected viral
challenge in this study. Nasal swabs are allowed.


13. Subject was mentally or legally incapacitated in the opinion of the

14. Females who:

1. Are breastfeeding within 6 months of study commencement, or

2. Had been pregnant within 6 months prior to the study, or

3. Had a positive pregnancy test at any point during screening or prior to
inoculation with challenge virus

15. Those in close domestic contact (i.e. sharing a household with, caring for,
or daily face to face contact) with children under 3 years, the elderly (>65
years), immunosuppressed persons, or those with chronic respiratory disease

16. Was employed or was a first-degree relative of anyone employed by the
Sponsor, a participating clinical trial site, or any Contract Research
Organisation involved in the study.

17. Any other reason that the Investigator considered made the subject
unsuitable to participate.

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: 30 Years
United Kingdom

hVIVO Services Ltd, QMB Bioenterprise building
London, United Kingdom

Chris Chiu, Principal Investigator
Imperial College London

NCT Number
Coronavirus disease 19
healthy volunteer
human challenge
MeSH Terms