With the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an urgent need tounderstand the impact of infection on immunodeficient individuals. Whilst co-morbidities(such as diabetes, cancer, arterial hypertension, heart disease...) have been documentedin people infected with SARS-CoV-2, there is currently no information on the consequencesand outcomes for individuals with primary immunodeficiencies (PID).Following the 1st phase of the survey (launched by Isabelle Meyts (ESID), Nizar Mahlaoui(CEREDIH & IPOPI) and Kate Sullivan with Stuart Tangye (IUIS), that gave an idea of thenumber of affected PID patients and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 and directly focusing onobtaining this top level of information), we are launching the 2nd phase: "COPID19".COPID19 survey is a secured online GDPR compliant platform based in Paris (ImagineInstitute). It has been approved by the Paris-Necker-Enfants malades IRB and EthicsCommittee. However, this retrospective survey is designed for global distribution. Datacan be entered by a health care professional (mostly clinicians) through a personal loginand password.Each documenting person will have access to his/her own patients' data. COPID19 require agreater level of information than the 1st phase. The eCRF will be open to evolutionsdepending on progresses in our knowledge of this pandemic.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Diagnosed with a Primary Immune Deficiency
- COVID-19 (proven or probable)
Exclusion Criteria:
- Secondary Immune Deficiency
- Other Coronovirus infection
Imagine Institute
Paris, France
Investigator: Nizar MAHLAOUI, MD, MPH, PhD
Contact: +33144494622
Hassan FAOUR, BS
+33 1 42 75 44 73
Nizar MAHLAOUI, MD, MPH, PhD, Study Chair
Necker Enfants Malades University Hospital