The Corona pandemic is affecting the whole world and since March 2020 there has been strict qurantene and social isolation interventions in Norway. The aim of this intervention is to reduce the negative and fatal effects of the pandemic. The pandemic and the restrictions that follows it is assumed to affect the mental health of the general population. In this research project we want to examine the use and the effects of a digital self-guided psychological intervention with the aim to increase coping and to reduce psychological problems during and after the pandemic. The participants will be randomized to either an intensive group (new module every 3rd day) or to an ordinary group (new module every 5th day).
The intervention was developed in a crossdiciplinary and cross-sectorial team within the
framework of the research project INTROMAT, an ICT Lighthouse research project funded by the
Norwegian Research Council. The content of the digital covid-19 intervention was based on
four previously developed digital interventions, all based on systematic user-involvement and
user-testing, from our group. The person-based approach inspired the development of the
intervention. Based on the research literature and experience from our existing digital
interventions we started the development with establishing guiding principles. The
intervention consists of 8 modules.
Behavioral: Co-mestring (co-coping)
8 modules with the aim to reduce stress, increase coping of social isolation and coping with the consequences of reduced positive experiences
Inclusion Criteria:
- read and write norwegian
- above 18 years
- Mild and moderate stress
Exclusion Criteria:
- current treatment for mental health disorders
- history or present severe mental health disorder
Haukeland University Hospital
Bergen, Norway