Prospective cohort study of COVID-19 infection among children in Norway.
This nation-wide, prospective cohort study of COVID-19 infection addresses three main
issues: 1) Epidemiological risk factors; 2) Natural history (including immunological
mechanisms and long term effects) and 3) Support of infection prevention. Also, the study
focuses solely on children.
Children (0-18 years of age) admitted to hospital with suspected COVID-19 are eligible
(Fig. 1). Those with confirmed COVID-19 serve as cases, whereas those with non-COVID-19
serve as controls; both groups will be followed prospectively for 6 months. Three
objectives/Work Packages (WPs) are defined:
- In WP1, the investigators will investigate risk factors for severe outcome of the
acute infection; potential risk factors include sex, age, comorbidities, initial
clinical findings, infectious load, and genetic markers.
- In WP2, the investigators will investigate the immunological response to acute
infection, focusing on initial innate host response and its associations to
inflammatory enhancement, genetic factors and clinical course.
- In WP3, the investigators will investigate the prevalence and risk factors of
long-lasting complication, in particular the development of post-infectious chronic
Inclusion Criteria:
Suspected covid-19 infection and age 0-18 years
Exclusion Criteria:
Age >18 years
Akershus universistetssykehus
Lørenskog, Norway
Investigator: Lise Beier Havdal
Christopher Inchley, Phd
Lise Beier Havdal