Official Title
COVID-19-Associated Lymphopenia Pathogenesis Study in Blood
Brief Summary

Background:COVID-19 is an acute respiratory syndrome. One symptom of COVID-19 is a reduction in thenumber of cells called lymphocytes in the blood. Lymphocytes are a type of white bloodcell that fights infections. With fewer lymphocytes, the body cannot effectively fightback against SARS CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Researchers want to betterunderstand how SARS-CoV-2 affects these blood cells. This information may give them ideasfor new treatments.Objective:To learn more about how SARS-CoV-2 affects lymphocytes, the immune, and the bloodclotting system.Eligibility:Adults age 18 and older who either currently have COVID-19 or have recently recoveredfrom itDesign:Participants will give a blood sample. For this, a needle is used to collect blood froman arm vein. For participants who have a central line, blood will be collected throughthat instead.Participants medical records related to COVID-19 will be reviewed.Participants who have recovered from COVID-19 will be asked to undergo leukapheresis tocollect white blood cells. For this, blood is taken from a needle placed in one arm. Amachine separates out the white blood cells. The rest of the blood is returned to theparticipant through a needle placed in the other arm. This takes about 2-3 hours.Recovered participants may have material collected from inside the nostrils and/orrectum. This is done by gently rubbing the area with a sterile cotton swab.Recovered participants may have an echocardiogram to look at their heart. For this, asmall probe is held against the chest to get pictures of the heart from different angles.This takes less than 30 minutes.Participation lasts 1-2 days on most cases and may be split in a few visits for recoveredpatients if leukapheresis and echocardiogram are done....

Detailed Description

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an acute respiratory syndrome caused by the novel
coronavirus severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). The emergence
of SARS-CoV-2 has led to a pandemic with a wide range of manifestations. One of the
hallmarks of severe illness is the presence of elevated levels of inflammatory
biomarkers, coagulopathy, and lymphopenia. Lymphopenia is a robust and consistent
predictor of mortality in COVID-19. Understanding the intersection of inflammation,
complement activation, endothelial damage, and coagulation is critical to a better
understanding of COVID-19 pathogenesis.

This is a multisite study that will conducted at the National Institutes of Health
Clinical Center and other local hospitals. We will recruit patients with mild to severe
COVID-19, as well as patients who have recently recovered from the disease. Participants
will have blood drawn via venipuncture or available venous access and optional nasal
and/or rectal swabs, with optional leukapheresis and echocardiogram for recovered
patients. Leftover clinical specimens may also be used for research. Blood will be used
for genetic testing, lymphocyte phenotyping, soluble biomarker analysis, and other
research tests. Clinical and laboratory data from routine care

(eg, basic demographic information, vital signs, medications, clinical labs, and
radiologic imaging) will also be collected and up to two follow up visits may be done for
clinical purposes. Participants may re-enroll in the study after recovery from infection
as recovered participants or if they experience a new infection.

Coronavirus Disease 2019
Eligibility Criteria


1. Aged >=18 years.

2. Diagnosis of COVID-19 via molecular assay or other commercial or public health

3. Meets one of the following criteria for COVID-19:

1. Group A, mild clinical presentation: asymptomatic to oxygen requirements
<-4L nasal cannula (NC).

2. Group B, moderate clinical presentation: oxygen requirements >4L NC to
<=50% fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) on high-flow oxygen devices.

3. Group C, severe clinical presentation: non-invasive ventilation with
oxygen requirements >50% FiO2 on high-flow oxygen devices, any other
modality of non-invasive ventilation, or mechanical ventilation.

4. Group D, recovered: meets CDC criteria for discontinuation of
transmission-based precautions and disposition of patients with COVID-19
in healthcare settings. Enrollment will occur at least 30 days after the
above criteria were met.

4. Able to provide informed consent.


Individuals meeting any of the following criteria will be excluded from study

1. Documented history of hemoglobin from most recent blood draw <7g/dL if known.

2. Any condition that, in the opinion of the investigator, contraindicates
participation in this study.

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: 99 Years
United States

MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Washington, District of Columbia, United States

MedStar Health Research Institute: Washington Hospital Medical Center
Washington, District of Columbia, United States

National Institutes of Health Clinical Center
Bethesda, Maryland, United States


Elizabeth Laidlaw, P.A.-C
(301) 827-9717

Irini Sereti, M.D.
(301) 496-5533

Irini Sereti, M.D., Principal Investigator
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
NCT Number
Natural History
MeSH Terms