A lot of people suffer from phobias. Phobias concerning certain diseases are not rare.This study will examine whether the COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease) crisis was able torise phobias in people and if those with preexisting phobias or fears were more likely todevelop a phobia concerning COVID. It will look at different subtypes - physicians,medical staff, general public (not medically affiliated) and patients with psychiatricdisorders.
Other: Questionnaires for specific phobia
Questionnaires will be used.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Person gives written consent
- Persons between 18-90 years of age (men and women)
- No positive COVID infection known at time of first examination
Exclusion Criteria:
- Dementia, Delirium (not able to give consent)
- Not fulfilling the inclusion criteria
- COVID infection known at first examination point
Medical University of Graz
Graz, Styria, Austria
Investigator: Andreas Baranyi, Prof. MD
Contact: +4331638586241
Andreas Baranyi, Prof.
Andreas Baranyi, Prof., Principal Investigator
Medical University of Graz