COVID-19 may cause another world-wide epidemic. This study is divided into 2 arms: (1)Prospective longitudinal observational study involving patients with laboratory-confirmedCOVID-19 and (2) Retrospective study on patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19.Arm 1:We will collect EDTA blood, stool samples, rectal swab, urine, saliva, and specimens fromupper respiratory tract (nasopharyngeal aspirate or flocked swab), and lower respiratorytract (sputum or tracheal aspirate) on daily, alternate day, or weekly basis asappropriate.Arm 2:The remainder of specimens that were submitted for laboratory investigation as part ofclinical management will be retrieved. Those specimens will only be used after allclinically indicated testing and confirmation procedures have been completed. Assistancefrom the Public Health Laboratory Service, Department of Health, will be invited toretrieve samples as well as participate in this study.Patients hospitalized for pneumonia in medical wards and ICU at the Prince of WalesHospital tested negative for COVID-19 will be recruited as controls.Understanding the clinical, virological, microbiological and immunological profiles ofthis infection is urgently needed to facilitate its management and control.
Other: No intervention
No intervention
Inclusion Criteria:
- Case are adults age ≥ 18 years old admitted to hospital with laboratory confirmed
- Controls are patients admitted for community-acquired pneumonia
Exclusion Criteria:
- Patients who refuse to consent for study
Prince of Wales Hospital
Sha Tin, Hong Kong
+852 35053339