Official Title
The Corona and COVID-19 Study in Telemark and Agder - COVITA
Brief Summary

Through SARS-CoV-2 IgG testing of PCR positive and negative cases the study will followthe COVID-19 immune response by monitoring the SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibody levels over aperiod of two years. Further, risk factors will be identified by the use of thetest-negative design including population controls, allowing comparison of participantswith positive and negative tests, and with population controls (triangulation). Specialemphasis will be on high risk groups in general and on different occupational,environmental and socio-economic groups in particular. Finally, severity of illness,deaths and the use of health care during will be assessed using national register datafrom Telemark and Agder.

Detailed Description


The main objectives are:

1. Monitor the incidence of COVID-19 and the development of the SARS-CoV-2-IgG levels
of cases in Agder and Telemark over a period of two years (WP1).

2. Identify risk factors for COVID-19 by comparison of SARS-CoV-2 antibody positive and
negative cases in Telemark and Agder, and comparison of these groups separately with
population controls (WP2).

3. The incidence of neurocognitive symptoms and fatigue in COVID-19 patients (WP3).

4. Investigation of severity, death and the use of health care for the COVID-19
patients based on data from national registers (WP4).

The main exposures are (WP1-3):

- Infection (mild, severe) with COVID-19.

- Occupational risk factors assessed by occupational codes (ISCO88) and job exposure
matrix categorisation.

- Environmental risk factors (road traffic outside bedroom window, travel by foot or
bicycle alongside busy roads, and the use of a fireplaces in residential homes.
Further, estimated measurements of air pollution may be linked to participants' home

- Socioeconomic status; age, sex, comorbidity, medication use, lifestyle factors
(smoking, BMI, physical activity, others), geographic region/municipality, education
and income.

Active, not recruiting
Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Age 18 - 85 years

- Performed SARS-CoV-2 PCR test

Exclusion Criteria:

- Non-Norwegian speakers.

- Deceased

- inability to answer questionnaire due to dementia or similar conditions

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: 85 Years

Telemark Hospital
Skien, Vestfold And Telemark, Norway

Anne Kristin M. Fell, PhD, Principal Investigator
Sykehuset Telemark

Sykehuset Telemark
NCT Number
risk factors
Test-negative design
Population controls
MeSH Terms