Official Title
COPE - COVID-19 in Pregnancy and Early Childhood - a Study Protocol for a Prospective Multicentre Cohort Study
Brief Summary

Purpose: The emergence of a new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 causing a novel infection in thehuman race resulting in a world-spanning pandemic came as a surprise and at a tremendouscost both for individual human lives as well as for the society and the health caresector. The knowledge on how this new infection affects both the mother and the unbornchild as well as the outcomes for the mother and the child in the long run are unknown.What is known is based on case-reports and small case-series solely. Both thecoronaviruses causing Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe AcuteRespiratory Syndrome (SARS) can cause a threat to pregnant women and their offspring,which leads to the question whether this could be the case also for SARS-CoV-2.Aims: To establish a biobank of biological material from infected as well as non-infectedpregnant women and their offspring. To combine this biobank with Swedish quality andhealth care registers, computerized patient charts and questionnaire data, enabling bothshort-term follow up, such as obstetric outcomes, as well as long-term outcomes both formother and child. To study how the pandemic situation affects both the mother and herpartner in their experience of pregnancy, childbirth, and early parenthood.Design: A national Swedish multicentre study. Women are included when they have apositive test for SARS-CoV-2 or a clinical suspicion of coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19) (COVID-19 group). Pregnant women without COVID-19 symptoms will be included attheir routine visits (Screening group). Blood samples and other biological material willbe collected at different time-points. Additional predictors and outcomes are collectedfrom the Swedish Pregnancy Register as well as obligatory Swedish health registers. Thebiobank and its linkage to health registers through the Swedish personal identificationnumber will enable future research. Child development will be followed during the firstyear of life by questionnaires to the parents. Womens' and their partners' experience ofchildbirth and parenthood will be studied in form of questionnaires as well as in form ofinterviews.Conclusion: This project will help obstetricians and neonatologists better recognizeclinical manifestations of the virus, identify possible risk factors during pregnancy andtailor therapies alongside providing right level of surveillance and management duringpregnancy, delivery, and child health care.

Active, not recruiting
Pregnancy Complications
Pregnancy Preterm
Pregnancy in Diabetic
Neonatal Infection

Other: biological samples, questionnaires and interviews

Biological samples: to study impact of testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 during pregnancy
samples taken in routine clinical care, samples from already existing research biobanks
and the newly established COPE biobank will be used. Time-points: inclusion, at delivery
mother and fetus. Covid-19 positive group only: 48-96 h, 2 months postpartum for mother
and fetus.

Questionnaires: Women and partners in both groups will fill out electronical
questionnaires at different time points during pregnancy and until 12 months postpartum
based on validated instruments to test for differences in Self-Efficacy, Anxiety and
Depression, Health-related quality of life, Sense of Coherence, PTSD Symptoms, Postpartum
Bonding, Childbirth experiences and Self-Efficacy of Breastfeeding. The child's health
will be assessed regarding infection until 6 weeks of age and development until 4 years.

Interviews: 24-40 women and partners in both groups. Interviews will be conducted 3 to 6
months after childbirth.

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Pregnant women 18 years of age and above

- Attending routine antenatal visits at a participating hospital during the study
period or are strongly suspicious of or diagnosed with Covid-19 during pregnancy.

- For the questionnaire part: language knowledge (Swedish, English, Arabic, Somali)

- For the interview part: Swedish language knowledge

Exclusion Criteria:

• Another language but selected ones

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: N/A

Falu Hospital
Falun, Dalarna, Sweden

Halmstad lasarett
Halmstad, Halland, Sweden

Varbergs sjukhus
Varberg, Halland, Sweden

Helsingborgs lasarett
Helsingborg, Skåne, Sweden

Skåne Universitetssjukhus
Lund, Skåne, Sweden

Eskiltuna hospital
Eskilstuna, Södermanland, Sweden

Boras hospital
Boras, VGR, Sweden

Sahlgrenska Univeristy Hospital
Gothenburg, VGR, Sweden

Ryhovs sjukhus
Jönköping, Sweden

Kalmar Lasarett
Kalmar, Sweden

Karlstad lasarett
Karlstad, Sweden

Kristiandstad länssjukhus
Kristianstad, Sweden

Skaraborgs sjukhus Skövde
Skövde, Sweden

BB Stockholm
Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm, Sweden

Karolinska University Hospital Solna
Stockholm, Sweden

Karolinska University Hospital- Huddinge
Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm, Sweden

Sundsvall, Sweden

Umeå University Hospital
Umeå, Sweden

Uppsala University Hospital
Uppsala, Sweden

Västerås, Sweden

Ystad, Sweden

Örebro University Hospital
Örebro, Sweden

Linköping University Hospital
Linköping, Östergötland, Sweden

Norrköping, Östergötland, Sweden

Verena Sengpiel, MD, PhD, Principal Investigator
Sahlgrenska University Hospital

Sahlgrenska University Hospital
NCT Number
long-term follow-up
MeSH Terms
Pregnancy Complications
Pregnancy in Diabetics