Official Title
Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Convalescent Plasma in the Treatment of Covid-19
Brief Summary

This study investigates the possible adverse effects and effectiveness of convalescentplasma for patients infected with SARS-CoV-2. Following provision of informed consent,patients will be randomized into three groups: High-titre convalescent plasma, low-titreconvalescent plasma or placebo. Primary outcomes of the study will cover safety andeither intubation or initiation of systemic corticosteroids. Safety information collectedwill include serious adverse events judged to be related to administration ofconvalescent plasma. Microbiological and other laboratory parameters will be followed up.

Detailed Description

SARS-CoV-2 pandemic presents a serious global public health threat urgently requiring
both prophylactic and therapeutic interventions. The entry of SARS-CoV-2 into human cells
involves a binding between its spike protein's receptor-binding domain (RBD) and
angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor on human cells. Convalescent sera of
Covid-19 patients have been shown to contain SARS-CoV-2-neutralizing antibodies.
Accordingly, recovered patients are presumed to be immune to re-infection. Use of
convalescent plasma as treatment warrants research, which is supported by the European
Commission. Convalescent plasma (CP) therapy is a classical adaptive immunotherapy. It
has been applied to prevention and treatment of various infectious diseases: evidence of
success has been accumulated e.g. on treatment of SARS, MERS, and 2009 H1N1, for which
satisfactory efficacy and safety have been shown.

The investigators will select as donors for CP therapy patients recovered from Covid-19
with a high neutralizing antibody titre who meet normal blood donor eligibility criteria.
The donors will be recruited among participants of ongoing Covid-19 immunity studies
(Clin-Covid, Commun-Covid) and/or from Finnish Red Cross Blood Service (FRCBS) blood

CP will be prepared from the blood of eligible donors at the FRCBS according to previous
protocols and the European guidelines for fresh frozen plasma. After the screening test
results required for product release (HCV, HBV, HIV, ABO, Syphilis) are available, the
units will be released. All donors will be screened for type-I-Interferon antibodies and
women will be screened for HLA-antibodies. The units will be labelled with convalescence
plasma labels including ICCBBA/ISBT compliant product codes. The plasma units will be
frozen to -25°C within 6 hours from collection. Prior to freezing 3 ml of CP will be
separated and divided in 3 aliquots to be stored, for possible later analysis.

Patients admitted to ward at HUH will be randomized 1:1:1 into three groups which will be
given 1) high-titre convalescent plasma (HCP), 2) low-titre convalescent plasma (LCP) or
3) placebo. The plasma preparations and placebo will be given as one 200 mL infusion.
ABORh blood group will be determined from patients prior to transfusion according to
normal transfusion protocols of the hospital. The study will be double-blinded with
saline as placebo given to groups three. The primary outcomes of the study will cover
safety and intubation/initiation of systemic corticosteroids. AEs will be reviewed,
recorded and reported up to 6 hours after administration of CP or placebo. Thromboembolic
and cardiovascular events will be recorded as AEs or SAEs up to 7 days after
administration of CP / placebo. SAEs will be reviewed, recorded and reported up to 7 days
after administration of CP / placebo. In case of respiratory failures classified as SAEs,
the reporting period is only up to 12 hours after administration of CP / placebo.

Unknown status

Biological: Convalescent plasma from COVID-19 donors

Convalescent plasma from COVID-19 donors

Biological: Placebo

200mL saline

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Acute Covid-19 disease at the time of recruitment laboratory-confirmed by upper
respiratory tract PCR

- Patient recently (0-4 days earlier) admitted to hospital due to Covid-19 infection

- Symptom onset 10 days before recruitment (if symptom onset unknown the duration is
calculated from positive PCR-test)

- the day should be recorded from the duration of the Covid-19 symptoms/positive test

- The dose of LMWH thromboprofylaxis should be recorded

- Written informed consent.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Chronic (longer than 14 days) administration of immunosuppressants or other
immune-modifying drugs within 6 months before the first dose of IMP; oral
corticosteroids in dosages of ≥0.5 mg/kg/d prednisolone or equivalent are excluded (
inhaled or topical steroids allowed)

- Regular (daily), systemic administration of corticosteroids at the time on inclusion
(inhaled or topical corticosteroids are allowed)

- Any confirmed or suspected immunosuppressive or immunodeficient condition, including
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.

- Pregnancy or lactation.

- Alcohol or drug abuse.

- Suspected non-compliance.

- Presence of VTE, including pulmonary embolism or other manifestations of thrombosis

- Use of any investigational drug (other than hydroxychloroquine) or vaccine within 30
days prior to first dose of study vaccine or planned use during study period.

- Any clinically significant history of known or suspected anaphylaxis or
hypersensitivity reaction as judged by investigator.

- Known immunoglobulin A (IgA) deficiency

- Existing treatment limitations: do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order or withholding
treatment in ICU

- Any other criteria which, as judged by investigator, might compromise a patient's
well-being or ability to participate in the study or its outcome.

- Active malignant disease

- CP not available for patients blood type

- Patient cannot assign written consent

- No personnel available for CP of placebo transfusion

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: N/A

Helsinki University Central Hospital
Helsinki, Uusimaa, Finland

Anu Kantele, MD,Prof, Principal Investigator
Helsinki University Central Hospital

Finnish Red Cross Blood Service
NCT Number
Convalescent plasma
MeSH Terms