Official Title
Comparison of the Results, Feasibility and Acceptability of Molecular Detection of SARS-CoV2 Between Nasopharyngeal Swab Specimens Recovered in Virological Transport Medium and Those Obtained by Salivary Sputum
Brief Summary

Multicenter observational study of diagnostic test validation (Research Involving theHuman Person, type 3) In addition to the diagnosis by the reference method(nasopharyngeal swab), the patient will be asked to provide a saliva sample via asalivary spit. The clinical circumstances of the diagnosis, the age of the patient, theassociated terrain (diabetes, immunodepression, pregnancy) will be noted. Thenasopharyngeal and saliva samples will be analyzed in Cayenne and the remaining sampleswill be frozen and stored at the CRB before being sent to the University Hospital of Caenfor analysis and concordance verification.The expected benefits are:Possibility of repeating tests in the same person more easily due to the absence of painand thus reduce the barriers to diagnosis and screening.Possibility of self-sampling, which could simply be sent to the laboratory, which wouldrelieve the diagnostic sites that mobilize staff and require a fairly heavy organization.Avoid long waiting lines that can be an obstacle and lead to a renunciation of thediagnosis.

Unknown status

Diagnostic Test: Salivary test for COVID19

Results of nasopharyngeal and salivary samples taken at the Cayenne hospital and the Caen
university center,

- Pre-analytical particularities and analytical particularities

- Cycle threeshold

- Demographic variables

- Clinical variables

- Clinical criteria

- Questionnaire on the perception of the 2 sampling methods

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Patient with an indication to perform a COVID diagnostic test (symptomatology,
contact case, systematic screening etc...)

- Men and women at least 3 years old

Exclusion Criteria:

- Refusal of the patient or his legal representative,

- Taking treatments that reduce salivary volume (anticholinergic activity)

- Impossibility to perform the nasopharyngeal test

- Patient under guardianship or curatorship, persons placed under protective measures

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 3 Years ~ Maximum: N/A
French Guiana

General Hospital of Cayenne
Cayenne, French Guiana

Centre Hospitalier de Cayenne
NCT Number
MeSH Terms