Official Title
PROVID-PROGRESS - Clinical, Molecular and Functional Biomarkers for PROgnosis, Pathomechanisms and Treatment Strategies of COVID-19
Brief Summary

The aim of the joint project PROVID is to contribute to better outcome prediction forCOVID-19 patients, to better clinical management, and to the development of newtherapies. To this end, the investigators will collect detailed data on the course ofCOVID-19 patients and deeply characterize them at the molecular level. The investigatorsalso aim to identify compounds with the potential to improve outcome.The PROVID-PROGRESS study is being carried out as a prospective, longitudinal,multicenter observational study (case cohort study) with material asservation forgenomic, transcriptomic and proteomic analyzes on adult patients with COVID-19.

Detailed Description

With COVID-19, severe lung damage can be associated with relative well-being. In the
course of disease (several days), sudden lung failure may occur. While the lung initially
shows a relatively high compliance after intubation, lung function deteriorates rapidly
to severe ARDS in most patients. After intubation, patients require mechanical
ventilation over a relatively long period of time (17 days on average).

To improve the clinical management of COVID-19 and its complications, there is an urgent
need for clinical (e.g., scores) and molecular (e.g., biomarkers) predictors of COVID-19
progression and for new therapeutic targets. Advanced age and comorbidities have been
identified as risk factors for fatal disease progression.

After study inclusion, comprehensive baseline documentation of anamnestic, clinical and
laboratory data is collected on the same day if possible. In addition, all parameters are
collected that may be necessary to assess the severity of a COVID-19 disease (e.g. SOFA,
PSI, C (U) RB-65, ATS minor criteria). Furthermore, data is collected which, according to
the current state of knowledge, may be suitable for an assessment of the prognosis of the
COVID-19 disease. In particular, questions are asked about known infection risks (living
environment of the patient, lifestyle, previous illnesses, immune competence), the
history of symptoms and tests relating to COVID-19, preexisting medication, the familial
risk of infection as well as ethnicity.

On the day of inclusion (day 0) and on study visit days 1-6 and 13 - or for discharge if
this occurs before day 6 or day 13 after inclusion - routine laboratory values,
score-relevant data, concomitant medication and microbiological findings are documented.

On discharge of the patient, additional information about his whereabouts is collected.
If the patient dies, the date and cause of death are documented.

On days 28, 180 and 360 after inclusion in the study, a follow-up survey takes place with
particular attention to the living conditions and quality of life of the patient (EuroQol
health questionnaire EQ-5D-3L), to health-related events such as stroke or heart attack
and to the vital status. If the patient cannot be reached for the follow-up
questionnaires, the including study center will attempt to determine the current contact
details or vital status from relatives, the family doctor or, if necessary, from data
from the residents' registration offices or other state registers, provided that consent
is given.

On study visit days 0, 1-3, 6 and 13, 4 blood samples each (P100 EDTA plasma, citrate
plasma, serum and PAXgene RNA) are taken. A DNA sample (EDTA whole blood) is taken once
and at any time.

A nasopharynx swab is obtained on days 0, 3 and 6. If possible, sputum is obtained for
inclusion and on visit day 6.

Unknown status
COVID-19 Pneumonia
Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Positive detection of SARS-CoV-2-virus

- Informed consent signed

Exclusion Criteria:

- Patient participation in PROVID-CAPNETZ, PROVID-PROGRESS or PROVID- CAPSyS at an
earlier time

- simultaneous participation in PROVID-CAPNETZ

- pregnancy

- breast feeding period

- active tuberculosis

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: N/A

Kepler Universitätsklinikukm GmbH, Med Campus III
Linz, Austria

Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Medizinische Klinik m. S. Infektiologie und Pneumologie
Berlin, Germany

Universitätsklinikum Halle (Saale), Universitätsklinik und Poliklinik für Innere Medizin III
Halle (Saale), Germany

Klinik St. Georg gGmbH; Klinik für Infektiologie, Tropenmedizin, Nephrologie und Rheumatologie
Leipzig, Germany

Universitätsklinikum Leipzig, Medizinische Klinik II - Bereich Pneumologie
Leipzig, Germany

Martin Witzenrath, MD, Principal Investigator
Charite University

Charite University, Berlin, Germany
NCT Number
MeSH Terms