Critically ill patients with COVID-19 have hospitalized in an ICU due to the closer monitoring and therapy. In fact, ICU admissions are dependent on the severity of illness and the ICU capacity of the health-care system. Hence, it may be need a new scoring system for contagious critically ill patients.
Critically ill patients with COVID-19 have hospitalized in an ICU due to the closer
monitoring and therapy. In fact, ICU admissions are dependent on the severity of illness and
the ICU capacity of the health-care system. Therefore, many patients with confirmed COVID-19
with RT-PCR and/or suspected COVID-19 were hospitalized in ICUs with a limited number of
beds. This ambiguity can result in both contamination risk to uninfected patients and
occupancy rate of the limited ICU beds. Hence, it may be need a new scoring system for
contagious critically ill patients. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological
and clinical features of 75 critically ill patients due to COVID-19 and to compare confirmed
COVID-19 cases with suspected COVID-19 cases in our critical care units.
Other: File Scanning
The patients' epidemiological, clinical, laboratory, and radiological characteristics and treatment and outcomes data will accessed from Hospital Data Management System (HDMS) of Konya Training and Research Hospital and Public Health Management System (PHMS) of Ministry of Health.
Inclusion Criteria:
- All patients with confirmed COVID-19 and suspected COVID-19
Exclusion Criteria:
- All patients <18 years old
Konya Trainig and Research Hospital
Konya, Turkey