Official Title
The CardioPostCovid Study: Cardiovascular Consequences After COVID-19
Brief Summary

The occurrence of cardiovascular complications in SARS-CoV-2 infections appears to be more frequent than in other viral respiratory infections, probably due to a singular pathophysiology of this coronavirus. The lack of characterization of cardiovascular damages linked to Covid-19 could have medium and long-term consequences on the prognosis of patients. This problematic could lead to a second major public health problem linked to Covid-19 and it is therefore crucial to keep monitoring and screening patients at risk. In this context of emerging infectious diseases, of poorly characterized cardiovascular damages during infection and of absence of data on the long-term evolution of the infection, the investigators propose to carry out a prospective and observational cohort study focused on the evaluation and the systematic cardiovascular follow up of patients who survived an episode of Covid-19, regardless of their cardiovascular profiles.

Unknown status
Cardiovascular Consequences After an Episode of COVID 19

Other: Infectious Disease and Cardiology Clinical Consultations

Infectious Diseases and Cardiology Clinical Consultations at 1 month and 12 months of recovery from an episode of Covid-19

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

• All adults affiliated to social security attending the post-Covid follow-up consultation,
having presented an episode of Covid-19 diagnosed by at least one positive nasopharyngeal
RT-PCR test for SARS-Cov-2 and considered recovered.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Age <18 years old

- Major under guardianship or curatorship

- Absence of non-opposition

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: N/A

Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Marseille
Marseille, France

Investigator: Franck THUNY, MD


Franck THUNY, MD

Assistance Publique Hopitaux De Marseille
NCT Number
MeSH Terms