Official Title
Breathing Techniques and Meditation for Health Care Workers During COVID-19
Brief Summary

This phase I trial investigates breathing techniques and meditation for health careworkers during COVID-19 pandemic. Breathing techniques and medication may help managestress and improve lung health. The goal of this trial is to learn if breathingtechniques and meditation may help to reduce stress and improve lung health in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Detailed Description


I. To demonstrate the feasibility of a short pranayama or breathing techniques and
meditation during Covid-19 pandemic.


I. To determine the adherence to the practice assessed as at least 50% of participants
implement the intervention for 3 or more times in a week by the end of week 1/day 7 (+ 3

II. To determine the change in resilience, perceived stress and psychological impact from
day 0 today 28 as measured by the Brief Resilient Coping Scale (BRCS), Perceived Stress
Scale (PSS4), and COVID-19 Stress among health care workers questionnaire.

III. To determine the changes in breath holding time measured weekly for 4 weeks.

IV. To determine the differences in breath holding time between those who are adherent
and those who are not adherent to the practice.


Patients view an instructional video on breathing techniques and meditation. Patients
then perform breathing techniques over 3 minutes and meditation over 2 minutes twice
daily (BID) for 28 days.

Active, not recruiting
Covid-19 Infection

Other: Media Intervention

View instructional video

Procedure: Meditation Therapy

Perform meditation
Other Name: Meditation

Other: Quality-of-Life Assessment

Ancillary studies
Other Name: Quality of Life Assessment

Other: Questionnaire Administration

Ancillary studies

Procedure: Yoga

Perform breathing techniques
Other Name: Yoga Therapy

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Participants must be able to read and understand English

- Must be employed at MD Anderson Cancer Center

Exclusion Criteria:

- Epilepsy

- Brain tumor

- Brain aneurysm

- Pregnant or trying to get pregnant

- Brain bleeding in the past 1 year

- Recent abdominal surgery and not cleared to exercise

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: N/A ~ Maximum: 70 Years
United States

M D Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas, United States

Santhosshi Narayanan, Principal Investigator
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

National Cancer Institute (NCI)
NCT Number
MeSH Terms