Despite worldwide efforts to contain, manage and treat Covid-19, the pandemic is continuing to spread. This calls for an urgent clinically-proven prophylaxis and therapeutic strategy. Recent developments on the use of traditional medicines in Covid-19 management has drawn enough attention to start several research studies. Based on the Indian Traditional Medicine, Ayurveda's community initiatives, preliminary studies, and our experiential knowledge on Covid-19 settings, we propose present study to prevent the development of COVID-19 symptoms in people who live or have come contact with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19.
Other: Ayurveda
The Ayurveda intervention is multimodal and following the principles of Ayurveda as a whole medical system, each participants will be treated with individualised care. From the range of proven Ayurvedic Herbs, combination will be decided based on individual participants, his symptoms and his personality.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Person who has come into contact with confirmed COVID-19,
- Willing to take study drug as directed
Exclusion Criteria:
- Confirmed current COVID-19
- Inability to take medications orally
- Inability to provide written consent
British Ayurvedic Medical Council
London, United Kingdom