Official Title
National Pandemic Cohort Network - High-resolution Platform (HAP) Analysis of the Pathophysiology and Pathology of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Including Chronic Morbidity
Brief Summary

NAPKON-HAP is the deep phenotyping platform of the National Pandemic Cohort Network(NAPKON) in Germany. NAPKON is a data and biospecimen collection of patients withCOVID-19 and is part of the University Medicine Network (NUM) in Germany. The primaryobjective of the study is to provide a comprehensive collection of data and biosamplesfor researchers from national consortia and for participation in international researchcollaborations for studying COVID-19 and future pandemics.Data is collected from patients with COVID-19 three times per week during theirhospitalization and at follow-up visits after hospital discharge 3, 6, 12, 24, and 36months after symptom onset. Data include epidemiological and demographic parameters,medical history and potential risk factors, documentation of routine medical procedures,and clinical course, including different patterns of organ involvement, quality of care,morbidity, and quality of life. Moreover, extensive serial high-quality bio samplingconsisting of various sample types is performed to allow deep molecular, immunological,and virological phenotyping.Patients not requiring Intensive Care Unit (ICU)/ Intermediate Care (IMC) treatment willreceive 7 and patients requiring ICU/IMC treatment will receive 16 full-phenotypingvisits including sampling for biobanking. During hospitalisation the planned bloodsampling rate in total is 35 ml at each visit. The total amounts and/or sampling datesmay differ according to the ethics committee's regulations for different study centers.At follow-up visits, the clinical assessment includes an update of the medical historyand recent medical events from which additional clinical data is collected (i.e.outpatient CT-scans, echocardiography, external laboratory data). Clinical symptoms arerecorded and a physical examination will be performed. Vital signs are recorded androutine blood testing and biosampling is continued. Quality of life is measured withpatient-reported outcome questionnaires.Follow-up visits at months 3 and 12 are "deep phenotyping" visits with a comprehensiveand detailed set of examinations. In the following visits at months 24 and 36, onlyexaminations with pathologic results from the last deep phenotyping visit at month 12will be performed.A shorter follow-up visit to record quality of life, recent medical events and with areduced number of examinations focusing on cardiorespiratory performance will take placeat month 6.In case of relevant medical events, new medical information or changes in theparticipant´s health status, an unscheduled visit can take place anytime within theentire study period.Data collection during follow up includes standardized quality of life assessmentincluding PROMIS® (Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System). Thepulmonary characterization will include body plethysmography, diffusion capacity,respiratory muscles strength measurement, spiroergometry, capillary blood gas analysisand lung imaging studies (low-dose Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) of the lung). Cardiological phenotyping includes echocardiography,electrocardiogram (ECG), 24h-ECG, 24h-blood pressure monitoring, stress cardiac MRI andpulse wave analysis. Neurocognitive testing includes brain MRI, electroencephalogram(EEG), somatosensory testing, refractometry (Visit 3 and 12 months), physical activitytest, neurocognitive tests, somatosensory phenotyping, taste- and smell-test.Endocrinological phenotyping will incorporate Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGE)reader, continuous glucose monitoring for 14 days, Air Displacement Plethysmography (ADP)or bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA).

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Age ≥ 18 years

- Willingness to participate in the study (consent to participate by patient or
appropriate legal representative) or inclusion via deferred consent

- Hospitalization at time of enrollment

- Positive evidence for SARS-CoV-2 infection with PCR (polymerase chain reaction) or
initial positive rapid diagnostic test in conjunction with typical clinical
symptoms, confirmed by a later positive PCR test.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Refusal to participate by patient, or appropriate legal representative

- Any condition that prohibits supplemental blood-sampling beyond routine blood

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: N/A

University Medical Center Freiburg Department of Internal Medicine II Department of Infectiology
Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

University Hospital Heidelberg Clinic for Gastroenterology, Infections, Poisoning
Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Clinic of the University of Munich Medical Clinic and Polyclinic III
Munich, Bayern, Germany

University Hospital Frankfurt Medical Clinic II Department of infectiology
Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany

University Hospital Giessen (+Marburg) Medical Clinic II Pneumology and internal intensive care medicine Infectiology, Gastroenterology, Nephrology
Gießen, Hessen, Germany

Hanover Medical School Clinic for Pneumology
Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany

University Hospital Cologne Internal Medicine I and Hematology and Oncology, Infectiology, additional qualification in Emergency Medicine
Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein (Campus Kiel): Internal medicine, gastroenterology, pneumology, allergology, sleep medicine, emergency medicine, intensive care
Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein (Campus Lübeck): Internal medicine, gastroenterology, pneumology, allergology, sleep medicine, emergency medicine, intensive care
Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

University Hospital Jena Department of Internal Medicine IV
Jena, Thüringen, Germany

Charité University Hospital Berlin Medical Clinic Infectiology and Pneumology CCM/CVK
Berlin, Germany


Martin Witzenrath, Prof. Dr. med.
+49 30 450 553 892

Florian Kurth, PD Dr.

Martin Witzenrath, Prof. Dr. med., Principal Investigator
Charite University Hospital Berlin

Charite University, Berlin, Germany
NCT Number
chronic morbidity
MeSH Terms
Coronavirus Infections