Official Title
AGILE: Seamless Phase I/IIa Platform for the Rapid Evaluation of Candidates for COVID-19 Treatment
Brief Summary

The AGILE platform master protocol allows incorporation of a range of identified andyet-to-be-identified candidates as potential treatments for adults with COVID-19 into thetrial. Candidates will be added into the trial via candidate-specific trial (CST)protocols of this master protocol as appendices. Having one master protocol ensuresdifferent candidates are evaluated in the same consistent manor and opening up new trialsfor new candidates is more efficient. Inclusion of new candidates will be based onpre-clinical data, evidence in the clinical setting and GMP capabilities.

Detailed Description

AGILE is a multicentre, multi-arm, multi-dose, multi-stage open-label, adaptive, seamless
phase I/II Bayesian randomised platform trial to determine the optimal dose, activity and
safety of multiple candidate agents for the treatment of COVID-19.

This study allows for the assessment of many candidates at different doses, with the
ability to add candidates as they are identified or drop them as their evaluation is
completed. Promising candidates will move to an external trial for further evaluation in
the phase II/III setting.

Each candidate will be evaluated in its own trial, randomising between candidate and
control with 2:1 allocation in favour of the candidate. Each dose will be assessed for
safety sequentially in cohorts of 6 patients. Once a phase II dose has been identified we
will assess efficacy by seamlessly expanding into a larger cohort.

AGILE is completely flexible in that the core design in the master protocol (as has been
explained above) can be adapted for each candidate based on prior knowledge of the
candidate - i.e. population, primary endpoint and sample size can be amended. This will
be detailed in each candidate-specific trial protocol of the master protocol.

Candidate-Specific Trial 2 (CST-2): Open-label 2:1 randomised controlled phase I of
EIDD-2801 versus standard of care followed by a 1:1 blinded controlled parallel group
Phase II trial of EIDD-2801 versus placebo. A phase I will be carried out to confirm the
optimal dose in this group. Following a safety review, EIDD-2801 will be tested for
efficacy in a blinded placebo controlled randomised phase II trial.

Candidate-Specific Trial 3 (CST-3A): Multicentre, Adaptive, Phase I trial to Determine
the optimal dose, Safety and Efficacy of Nitazoxanide for the Treatment of COVID-19

Candidate-Specific Trial 3 (CST-3B): A Randomized, Multicentre, Seamless, Adaptive, Phase
I/II trial to Determine the optimal dose, Safety and Efficacy of Nitazoxanide for the
Treatment of COVID-19

Candidate-Specific Trial 5 (CST-5): Randomized, Multicentre, Seamless, Adaptive, Phase
I/II Platform Study to Determine the Phase II dose of VIR-7832, and Evaluate the Safety
and Efficacy of VIR-7831 and VIR-7832 for the Treatment of COVID-19

Candidate-Specific Trial 6 (CST-6): A Randomized, Multicentre, Seamless, Adaptive, Phase
I/II Platform Study to Determine the Phase II dose and to Evaluate the Safety and
Efficacy of intravenous Favipiravir for the Treatment of COVID-19

Candidate-Specific Trial 8 (CST-8): A Randomised, Multicentre, Seamless, Adaptive, Phase
I Platform Study to Determine the recommended Phase II dose and Evaluate the Safety and
Efficacy of antiviral combination of Molnupiravir and Paxlovid® for the Treatment of

Candidate-Specific Trial 9 (CST-9a): A multicentre, adaptive Phase II Platform trial to
evaluate the safety, efficacy and virological response of ALG-097558 as monotherapy and
in combination with Remdesivir in high-risk population for the treatment of COVID-19

Active, not recruiting

Drug: CST-2: EIDD-2801

CST-2 Phase Ib: EIDD-2801 will be administered orally, twice daily (BID) for 10 doses (5
or 6 days). The starting dose will be established based on safety and pharmacokinetics
from the EIDD-2801-1001-US/UK study, and dose escalations may occur as described in this

Phase II: As per Phase Ib, with the dose determined by the recommended phase II dose.
Other Name: MK-4482,Molnupiravir

Drug: CST-2: Placebo

CST-2 Phase II: Placebo will be administered orally, twice daily (BID) for 10 doses (5 or
6 days).
Other Name: Placebo

Drug: Nitazoxanide

CST3A & CST3B Phase I: Nitazoxanide will be administered orally, initially twice daily
(BID) for 14 doses (7 days). The starting dose will be 1500mg BID based on existing dose
information, but dose adaptations may occur.

Phase II: As per Phase Ib, with the dose determined by the recommended phase II dose.

Drug: VIR-7832

CST-5: Phase I, Single doses of VIR-7832 will be administered by intravenous (IV)
infusion over 1 hour. The starting dose will be 50 mg, and dose escalations of 150 and
500 mg are anticipated, with escalation guided by emerging safety data and decision by
the SRC.

Phase II: As per Phase I, with the dose determined by the recommended phase II dose.

Drug: VIR-7831

CST-5 Phase II: A 500 mg dose of VIR-7831 will also be given by IV infusion over 1 hour.
Other Name: Sotrovimab

Drug: CST-5: Placebo

CST-5 Phase 1, Phase II: Placebo given by intravenous infusion over 1 hour
Other Name: Placebo

Drug: Favipiravir

CST-6: Multiple doses of IV Favipiravir will be administered by intravenous (IV) infusion
over 1 hour. Dosing regimen will be every 12 hours for 7 days duration. The starting dose
will be 600mg (BID), and dose escalations to 1200mg (BID), 1800mg (BID) and 2400mg (BID)
are anticipated as well as a de-escalation dose of 300mg (BID) if necessary, with
de-escalation and escalation guided by emerging safety data and decision by the Safety
Review Committee (SRC).

Drug: Molnupiravir

Molnupiravir 800mg Twice a day (BD) for 5 days as starting dose, with a de-escalation
protocol reducing in increments of molnupiravir to 600mg BD, then 400mg BD if required.
Other Name: Lagevrio

Drug: Paxlovid

Paxlovid® (300mg nirmatrelvir + ritonavir 100mg) twice a day (BD) for 5 days. The dose of
Paxlovid® will be fixed for all cohorts.
Other Name: nirmatrelvir and ritonavir

Drug: ALG-097558

ALG-097558 600 mg Twice a day (BD) for 5 days

Drug: ALG-097558 and Remdesivir

ALG-097558 600 mg Twice a day (BD) for 5 days Remdesivir will be administered once daily
by intravenous infusion over 30 to 120 minutes. 200 mg will be given on day 1 and 100 mg
on day 2 and day 3.
Other Name: ALG-097558 and veklury

Drug: NHS standard of care as per COVID-19 treatment guidelines

NHS standard of care as per COVID-19 treatment guidelines
Other Name: any of the following: nirmatrelvir plus ritonavir (Paxlovid) sotrovimab (Xevudy) molnupiravir (Lagevrio)

Eligibility Criteria

Master Protocol Inclusion Criteria:

1. Adults (≥18 years) with laboratory-confirmed* SARS-CoV-2 infection (PCR)

2. Ability to provide informed consent signed by study patient or legally acceptable

3. Women of childbearing potential (WOCBP) and male patients who are sexually active
with WOCBP must agree to use a highly effective method of contraception (as outlined
in the protocol) from the first administration of trial treatment, throughout trial
treatment and for the duration outlined in the candidate-specific trial protocol
after the last dose of trial treatment

- If any CSTs are included in the community setting, the CST protocol will
clarify whether patients with suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection are also eligible.

Standard additional criteria that may be applied per CST protocol:

Group A (severe disease) 4a. Patients with clinical status of Grades 4 (hospitalised,
oxygen by mask or nasal prongs), 5 (hospitalised, on non-invasive ventilation, or high
flow oxygen), 6 (hospitalised, intubation and mechanical ventilation) or 7 (ventilation
and additional organ support - pressors, renal replacement therapy (RRT), extracorporeal
membrane oxygenation (ECMO)), as defined by the WHO clinical severity score, 9-point
ordinal scale.

Group B (mild-moderate disease) 4b. Ambulant or hospitalised patients with the following
characteristics peripheral capillary oxygen saturation (SpO2) >94% RA N.B. The CST
protocol inclusion criteria will take precedence over the master protocol inclusion

CST-2 Inclusion Criteria:

For the purpose of the EIDD-2801 candidate-specific trial the following inclusion
criteria have been amended from the Master protocol to:

1. Male or female ≥ 60 years old or ≥50 years old with at least one well controlled
comorbidity: cardiovascular disease, chronic lung disease (e.g. COPD, or pulmonary
hypertension), immune deficiency (taking the equivalent of 20 mg prednisone daily,
chemotherapy, or immune modulating biologic therapies), diabetes (treated with
insulin or oral medications), BMI≥30, or hypertension requiring medication with
laboratory confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection (PCR) .

3. Women of childbearing potential (WOCBP) and male patients who are sexually active
with WOCBP must agree to use two effective methods of contraception, one of which
should be highly effective (as outlined in the protocol). For women, from the first
administration of trial treatment, throughout trial and up to 50 days after the last
follow up visit (50 days after day 29) and for men with female partners of child
bearing potential, from the first administration until 100 days after last follow up
visit (100 days after day 29).

4. Group B (mild-moderate disease): Ambulant with the following characteristics
peripheral capillary oxygen saturation (SpO2) >94% RA (NB this differs to the Master
Protocol which also includes hospitalised patients in this group).

Additional criteria specific to this candidate are:

5. Has signs or symptoms of COVID-19 that began within 5 days of the planned first dose
of study drug.

6. Is in generally good health (except for current respiratory infection) and is free
of uncontrolled chronic conditions.

7. Is willing and able to comply with all study procedures and attending clinic visits
through the 4th week.

8. Has someone, aged ≥ 16 living in the same household during the dosing period.

CST-6 Additional inclusion criteria:

1. Group A (severe disease). Patients with clinical status of Grades 5 (hospitalised,
oxygen by mask or nasal prongs), 6 (hospitalised, on non-invasive ventilation, or
high flow oxygen as defined by the WHO Clinical Progression Scale (WHO, 2020)).

2. Less than or equal to 14 days from onset of COVID-19 symptoms

CST-8 Inclusion Criteria:

1. For the purpose of CST-8, criteria 1 has been amended from the Master Protocol to:

Adults (≥18 years) outpatients positive lateral flow test at screening or baseline
Day 1, who are within 5 days of symptom onset prior to the planned first dose of
study drug.

2. Criteria 3 has been amended from the Master Protocol to:

Women of childbearing potential (WOCBP) and male participants who are sexually active
with WOCBP must agree to use a highly effective method of contraception (as outlined in
section 5.5 of the Master Protocol) for the duration of the treatment and for six weeks
following the last dose.

Additional criteria specific to CST-8 are:

- Initial onset of COVID-19 signs/symptoms within 5 days prior to the day of
randomisation and at least 1 of the current specified COVID-19 signs/symptoms
(listed on the NHS website) present on the day of randomisation

- Is willing and able to comply with all study procedures and attending clinic visits

CST-9a Inclusion Criteria:

For the purpose of CST-9a, criteria 1 has been amended from the Master Protocol to:

1. Adults (>/= 18 years of age) with a positive SARS-CoV-2 lateral flow test on
screening or Day 1, who are at high risk (as defined in UK DHSC criteria) of
progressing to severe COVID-19 disease, within 3 days of symptom onset, with at
least one symptom of COVID-19 infection present on the day of randomization and are
with mild- moderate disease severity at enrolment.

Criterion 2 has been amended from the Master Protocol to:

2. Ability to provide informed consent signed by trial participant or legally
acceptable representative and are willing and able to comply with all trial
procedures and attending clinic visits

Criterion 3 has been amended from the Master Protocol to:

3. Women of childbearing potential (WOCBP) and male participants who are sexually
active with WOCBP must agree to use two effective methods of contraception, one of
which must be highly effective for the duration of the treatment and for 90 Days
following the last dose

Master Protocol Exclusion Criteria:

1. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and/or aspartate aminotransferase (AST) >5 times the
upper limit of normal (ULN)

2. Stage 4 severe chronic kidney disease or requiring dialysis (i.e., estimated
glomerular filtration rate <30 mL/min/1.73 m^2)

3. Pregnant or breast feeding

4. Anticipated transfer to another hospital which is not a study site within 72 hours

5. Allergy to any study medication

6. Patients taking other prohibited drugs (as outline in CST protocol) within 30 days
or 5 times the half-life (whichever is longer) of enrolment

7. Patients participating in another CTIMP trial

N.B. The CST protocol exclusion criteria will take precedence over the master
protocol exclusion criteria.

CST-2 Exclusion Criteria:

Additional criteria specific to this candidate are:

8. Has a febrile respiratory illness that includes signs of pneumonia, or requires
hospitalization, oxygenation, mechanical ventilation, or other supportive

9. Has a platelet count less than 50x10^9/L, or lymphocytes less than 0.2x10^9/L,
haemoglobin less than 10 g/dL, or has a disorder of the hematologic system including
anaemic disorder or other blood dyscrasia, cancer of the hematologic system, history
of bone marrow transplant, or other significant hematologic disease at screening.

10. Is experiencing adverse events or laboratory abnormalities that are Grade 3 or above
based on the CTCAE scale.

11. Has clinically significant liver dysfunction or renal impairment.

12. Has history of Hepatitis C infection or concurrent bacterial pneumonia.

13. Has received an experimental agent (vaccine, drug, biologic, device, blood product,
or medication) within 30 days prior to the first dose of study drug.

14. In the opinion of the investigator, has significant end-organ disease as a result of
relevant comorbidities: chronic kidney disease, congestive heart failure, peripheral
vascular disease including diabetic ulcers.

15. Has a SaO2<95% by oximetry or has lung disease that requires supplemental oxygen.

16. Has any condition that would, in the opinion of the investigator, put the patient at
increased risk for participation in a clinical study.

CST-8 Exclusion Criteria:

For the purpose of the combination CST8 candidate-specific trial the following exclusion
criteria also apply:

1. Swallowing difficulties

2. Known medical history of active liver disease

3. Receiving dialysis or have known moderate to severe renal impairments (defined as
CKD stage 4 or 5 or current acute kidney injury or most recent eGFR in the past 6
months <30 ml/min/1.73m2)

4. Currently taking Paxlovid® or molnupiravir at time of screening

5. Oxygen saturation of <92% on room air, or on their standard home oxygen

6. Taking a drug which would put subject at unacceptable risk due to interaction or is
contraindicated as per SPC for each IMP

CST-9a Exclusion Criteria:

Exclusion criteria has been amended from master protocol as:

1. Prior SARS-CoV-2 infection <90 days before enrolment and/or received any COVID-19
vaccine dose <90 days before enrolment

2. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) >3 times the upper limit of normal (ULN) or Active
Liver disease

3. History or current evidence of cirrhosis

4. Receiving dialysis or have known moderate to severe renal impairment (defined as CKD
stage 4 or 5) or current acute kidney injury on most recent eGFR in the past 6

5. Pregnant or breast feeding

6. Anticipated transfer to another hospital which is not a trial site within 72 hours

7. Known allergy to any trial medication

8. Swallowing difficulties

9. Currently receiving ALG-097558, Paxlovid, molnupiravir or remdesivir or any SoC
therapy for COVID-19 at the time of screening

10. Received sotrovimab at any point during the current SARS-CoV-2 infection

11. Oxygen saturations <94% on room air

12. Urgent or expected need for nasal high-flow oxygen therapy or positive pressure
ventilation, invasive mechanical ventilation or ECMO.

13. Participants who have taken or require treatment with a comedication that is a
strong CYP450 3A4 inhibitor (atazanavir, clarithromycin, itraconazole, posaconazole,
voriconazole, nefazodone, nelfinavir, grapefruit juice, HIV protease inhibitors),
strong CYP450 3A4 inducers (rifampin, phenytoin, carbamazepine, St. John's Wort) or
sensitive substrates of CYP450 2C8 and 2B6 (repaglinide, rosiglitazone, paclitaxel,
bupropion) within at least 2 weeks or 5 half-lives (whichever is longer) before the
planned first dose of study drug.

14. Participating in another CTIMP trial

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: N/A
South Africa
United Kingdom

Desmond Tutu Health Foundation
Cape Town, South Africa

Johannesburg, South Africa

Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Liverpool, United Kingdom

Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
London, United Kingdom

Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
Manchester, United Kingdom

University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
Southampton, United Kingdom

Saye Khoo, Principal Investigator
University of Liverpool

University of Liverpool
NCT Number
SARS coronavirus 2
Phase I
Phase II
Platform Trial
MeSH Terms
Nirmatrelvir and ritonavir drug combination