Official Title
Acute Kidney Injury in COVID-19 Patients Admitted to the ICU: a Multicenter Cohort Analysis in 9 Large Hospitals in Belgium
Brief Summary

The aim of this study is to evaluate the rate and outcomes of COVID-19 associated acute kidney injury (AKI) and use of kidney replacement therapy (KRT) in critically ill COVID-19 patients in ICUs in several large hospitals in Flanders, the northern region of Belgium. We will also explore the associations between several baseline risk factors for AKI, therapeutic strategies and COVID-19 related clinical signs and the occurrence of AKI and use of KRT.

Detailed Description

The aim of this study is to evaluate the rate and outcomes of COVID-19 associated acute
kidney injury (AKI) and use of kidney replacement therapy (KRT) in critically ill COVID-19
patients in ICUs in several large hospitals in Flanders, the northern region of Belgium. We
will also explore the associations between several baseline risk factors for AKI, therapeutic
strategies and COVID-19 related clinical signs and the occurrence of AKI and use of KRT.

This will be a cohort analysis of the rate of COVID-19 associated AKI and KRT during the
period 1 February 2020 - 31 January 2021 in 6 large hospitals in Flanders Belgium and 3
Flemish University Hospitals. We will collect patients' baseline characteristics, specific
treatment for COVID-19, other relevant therapies and severity of illness and ICU and hospital
outcome data. AKI will be assessed during ICU stay up to 21 days of ICU stay, and will be
defined according to the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) definition. In
addition, we will assess occurrence of AKI stages, duration of AKI, duration of AKI
integrated with severity stage of AKI into the area under the curve of AKI, occurrence of
rapid reversal of AKI, occurrence of Acute Kidney Disease (AKD) defined according to KDIGO.

Critical Illness
COVID-19 Pneumonia
Acute Kidney Injury

Other: Observational study exploring the epidemiology and outcomes of AKI in critical COVID-19 patients admitted to the ICU

Critical COVID-19 patients admitted to the ICU

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome CoronaVirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection confirmed by
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) on nasopharyngeal swab or oropharyngeal swab or rectal
swab or bronchoalveolar aspirate

- admission to the ICU for monitoring or organ support

Exclusion Criteria:

- asymptomatic COVID-19 patients admitted to the ICU for medical reason not related to

Eligibility Gender
Eligibility Age
Minimum: 18 Years ~ Maximum: N/A

UZ Antwerp
Antwerp, Belgium

AZ St-Jan AV
Brugge, Belgium

Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg
Genk, Belgium

Ghent University Hospital
Ghent, Belgium

Jessa Ziekenhuis
Hasselt, Belgium

AZ Groeninge
Kortrijk, Belgium

UZ Leuven
Leuven, Belgium

AZ Delta
Roeselare, Belgium

AZ Turnhout
Turnhout, Belgium

University Hospital, Ghent
NCT Number
Acute Kidney Injury
Kidney Replacement Therapy
Acute Kidney Disease
MeSH Terms
Acute Kidney Injury
Critical Illness
Wounds and Injuries